Organic Bytes

Edited by Ronnie Cummins


Imagining an Organic Future

In this, my latest blog post, I point out how we can make organic and regenerative food and farming the norm, rather than just the alternative. OCA often talks about our long-term goal with Regeneration International and our allies: making organic and regenerative food, farming, and land use (and natural health) the norm, rather than just the alternative.

As our longtime ally Vandana Shiva points out, this would be “the solution to the soil crisis, the food crisis, the climate crisis, and the crisis of democracy.”

OCA and our partners worldwide, including, are dedicated to addressing critical issues of environmental contamination, nutrition, junk foods, deteriorating public health, climate change, soil health, biodiversity, water pollution and scarcity, forced migration, economic justice, and rural economic development. But what do we need to do to make this goal a practical reality? What would an “Organic Greater Reset” look like?

We need to stop corrupt politicians, the Big Ag lobby, and the global elite from subsidizing degenerative chemical and fossil fuel-intensive agriculture, GMOs, lab food, and factory farms.  Current global subsidies, propping up business as usual for degenerative agriculture, amount to $700 billion annually.  Shifting priorities, we can pay organic farmers and ranchers, not only a fair price for the food and products they produce, but also pay them for sequestering excess atmospheric carbon in soils and above ground plants and trees, as well as providing other key environmental services such as preserving clean water, improving soil fertility, protecting biodiversity, wetlands, and wildlife habitat, and rehydrating and reforesting parched landscapes…

Learn more: Imagining A Greater Organic Reset


Food Prices Will Rise Again in 2023

Elizabeth Rembert writes:

“The U.S. Department of Agriculture predicts food prices will continue their climb in 2023. All food prices are projected to increase about 8% over 2022 rates, with at-home food costs slightly higher than restaurant rates.

Economists see eggs continuing to lead the pack with a 37.8% increase this year, while beef and pork prices decrease about 1%.

The silver lining? It’s not expected to be as sharp of a jump as consumers saw in 2022.

Still, the ongoing high prices put pressure on grocery stores where margins are thin. Business is getting slower at Wohlner’s Neighborhood Grocery & Deli in Omaha, where owner Robert Kimball has paid up to 15% more for his products in the past year.

Just getting product to the independent grocery is a big expense – fuel was up $8,000 last year, and Kimball expects it to increase more this year.”

He said he’s doing his best to keep the lights on and limit price increases for customers. But still, he’s seeing fewer folks in the check-out lines.

“I’m losing some customers just because they can go to a big box chain store and purchase their weekly groceries cheaper than what they could purchase here,” Kimball said.

Research from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign backs up that observation; consumers are changing their behavior to cope with rising food prices.

Read more: Food Prices Will Rise Again in 2023, Putting More Pressure on Families


Joel Salatin: Why Are the Chickens so Sick?

Joel Salatin, renowned Regenerative farmer writes:

As the nation suffers through yet another High Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) outbreak, questioning the orthodox narrative is more important than ever. At a time when people are screaming about overpopulation and the world’s inability to feed itself, surely we humans need to figure out how to reduce these kinds of losses.

Numbers change each day, but at the last count about 60 million chickens (mainly laying hens) and turkeys died in the last year. A bit more than a decade ago it was 50 million. Are these cycles inevitable? Are the experts funneling information to the public more trustworthy than those who controlled press releases during 2020’s covid outbreak?

If thinking people learned only one thing from the covid pandemic, it was that official government narratives are politically slanted and often untrue. In this latest HPAI outbreak, perhaps the most egregious departure from truth is the notion that the birds have died as a result of the disease and that euthanasia for survivors is the best and only option.

First, of the nearly 60 million claimed deaths, perhaps no more than a couple million have actually died from HPAI. The rest have been killed in a draconian sterilization protocol. Using the word euthanized rather than the more proper word exterminated clouds the actual story. Euthanizing refers to putting an animal out of its misery. In other words, it’s going to die and is in pain or an incurable condition.

Very few of the birds killed are in pain or even symptomatically sick. If one chicken in a house of a million tests positive for HPAI, the government brings full law enforcement force to the farm to guarantee all live birds die. Quickly.”

Learn more: Why Are the Chickens So Sick?


Letter from Africa: The Hope of Regeneration Together

Regeneration International Africa Coordinator Precious Phiri writes from Zimbabwe:

“As I write this little note, Western Zimbabwe is in a dry and hot spell at an absolutely wrong time of the year. As agro-pastoral farmers, we are facing a bit of panic for the lagging crops that still needed a bit of rain, the crops that were ripened had to take an early drying. It’s a bit of a dilemma, as any rainfall now will cause sprouting of the drying grains and other root crops like peanuts and bambara nuts.

We are, on the other hand facing really hard times with Cyclone Freddy causing loss, of lives and properties in the Southern African region. Cyclone Freddy, having come in through Madagascar, is now in Malawi and making its way to Zambia and my home country Zimbabwe is under threat of this raging storm. The uneasiness that these moments stimulate, tends to bring a huge wave of hopelessness.

However, the potential of regenerative agriculture, stories of farmers, and many different humans of earth in regeneration have stimulated most of us to keep going. We now more than ever, need the hope of working TOGETHER, humans and nature to bring Team humanity out of the vicious cycles degeneration.

Read more: The Hope of Regeneration: Together


Lyme Disease, like SARS-CoV-2, was a Weaponized Pathogen

Mercola reports:

“In her book, ‘Bitten: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons,’ Kris Newby reviews the [enormous] circumstantial evidence suggesting the organism that causes Lyme disease may originally have been developed as a biological weapon.

An estimated 476,000 Americans are diagnosed with and treated for Lyme disease each year, and prevalence is rising. Lyme disease is transmitted by ticks (and sometimes other biting insects) infected with the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi. There are about two dozen species of B. burgdorferi with hundreds of strains worldwide, many of which are resistant to antibiotics.

Ticks can also carry other pathogens, and coinfections are another reason why Lyme disease is so difficult to treat.

A major challenge with Lyme disease is that its symptoms imitate so many other disorders, including multiple sclerosis (MS), arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia and even Alzheimer’s disease, making proper identification difficult and time consuming.

In a February 28, 2023, Substack article, investigative journalist Paul D. Thacker interviewed award-winning author Kris Newby about the U.S. government’s history of manipulating pathogens to make them deadlier, and the secretive federal research that may be responsible for the epidemic of Lyme disease.”

Learn more: Lyme: The Government Has Been Making Bugs More Deadly

Sign our petition to demand a ban on dangerous gain-of-function research


US Pushes Back on Mexico Ban on GMO Corn and Glyphosate

Madison McVan writes: “Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador is moving forward with a plan to limit imports of genetically modified corn from the U.S., despite the looming threat of a formal trade dispute.

The plant at the center of the controversial policy — corn — is both a symbol of Mexico’s cuisine and indigenous cultures, and also the biggest cash crop in the United States. Mexico is the second biggest buyer of U.S. corn. However, more than 90% of corn in the U.S. is genetically engineered to be resistant to herbicides, insects or both.

“Corn originated in Mexico,” López Obrador said in Spanish in a Feb. 15 speech defending the plan. “It can’t be possible that we have 60, 80 varieties of native corn and we’re allowing the use of genetically modified corn for human consumption.”

The two countries’ respective agriculture and trade representatives have met several times in recent months seeking a compromise.

On March 6, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative announced it is requesting technical consultations with Mexico under the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, the free trade agreement between the two countries signed in 2020.

The next day, López Obrador said the Mexican agency in charge of biosecurity would be studying the health impacts of genetically modified corn.”

Learn more: U.S. Pushes Back Against Mexico’s Ban of GMO Corn Imports


OCA’s Battle Against Reckless Genetic Engineering

OCA and our predecessor organization, The Pure Food Campaign (PFC), have been fighting against genetically engineered (GE or GMOs) food, crops, trees, animal drugs, vaccines, experimental human gene therapy drugs and bioweapons for 30 years. PFC was a charter member of the Biotechnology Working Group, which early on warned that engineered drugs, vaccines, and pathogens were likely just as dangerous as engineered foods and crops. Three years after the advent of COVID-19, most independent journalists and scientists, and the majority of the body politic, now see through the US, China, and WHO cover-up, and understand that the preponderance of evidence now points to a lab accident as the true origin of SARS-CoV-2. Further evidence points to biowarfare research (disguised as medical or biodefense) lying at the root of the ongoing Lyme Disease epidemic and the Ebola outbreak in Africa in 2014. Despite these disasters, Pentagon, Big Pharma, and government funding of “gain-of-function” genetic engineering continues in unsafe, accident-prone Biosafety labs across the U.S. and the world.

Our “Stop Weaponizing Pathogens” campaign (and our Stop Syn-Bio foods campaign) is gathering more support every week. But we need your volunteer efforts to spread the word, gain new subscribers, and finance our public education, lobbying, and campaigning.

Right now, we really need your help. During our March/April spring fundraising drive, Dr. Mercola has agreed to triple match your donations.

Thank you for your support in 2022, and your donations in the first two months of this year.

But right now we really need your help. So please make a donation today.

Make a tax-deductible donation to Organic Consumers Association, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit

Make a tax-deductible donation to Regeneration International, our international sister organization

Order your OCA “Negotiate Don’t Escalate” bumper stickers from our Minnesota office

Donate $100 or more and we’ll send you a copy of Ronnie’s 2020 book, Grassroots Rising, or a copy of Ronnie’s 2021 book, co-authored with Dr. Mercola, The Truth About COVID-19

Click here for more ways to support our work


Protect Homeopathic Medicine from the FDA!

“We have an opportunity for Congress to protect homeopathic medicines from the FDA. But we need your help to tell members of the House and Senate to support language in the upcoming Appropriations bill.

The language will STOP the FDA from pulling homeopathic medicines off the shelf so long as they meet all existing standards. While this bill language would only have an effect for one year, it’s an important step in our overall strategy to protect your access to the full range of homeopathic medicines.

We need this language because FDA’s new policy (known as “guidance”) states that any homeopathic medicine may be pulled off the market at any time for any reason or no reason at all except that it is an “unapproved new drug.” And, don’t think they won’t do it because they already have!

The goal is to get 50K comments by March 24th!

Please send your voice of support to your members of Congress, and forward this link to friends and family!


Tell the FDA: Label Nutrition-Poor Frankenfoods!

Frankenfoods that simulate milk, meat and eggs don’t have the healthy fat, protein, vitamins or minerals that foods from real farms have. Consumers have a right to know about the nutritional deficiencies of fake foods.

Sign this petition or submit your comments directly by to the FDA here.

Milk is a powerful nutritionally complete superfood.

The healthiest milk is raw, farm-fresh milk from cows raised exclusively on regeneratively managed organic pasture.

If you can’t get raw milk, the next-best thing is milk that is certified organic and 100 percent grass-fed.

Anyone who doesn’t drink milk should be made aware that there’s no single food that can replace its nutrition.

According to the Scientific Report of the 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, “When dairy foods are removed from healthy eating patterns, calcium, magnesium, iron, vitamin A and riboflavin drop below 100% of dietary goals, and vitamin D, potassium and choline drop even lower.”

TELL THE FDA BY APRIL 24, 2023: Labels on nutrient-deficient Frankenmilk must be mandatory!


A Glimmer of Hope in The Gain-of-Function Nightmare

In an exciting development for our campaign calling for a Global Ban on Gain-of-Function Research, Texas State Senator Bob Hall has introduced a bill that would prohibit Texas universities from conducting gain-of-function research.

This bill, TX SB 1583, rightfully identifies gain of function research as a “biosecurity vulnerability”, and points out that “the COVID-19 pandemic may have been the result of a pathogen leak from a secure lab in which gain-of-function research was being conducted”, something that the Energy Department has also concluded. Continuing this research is a threat to everyone’s safety, and it must be banned immediately in order to prevent future pandemics.

It’s time to end the reckless genetic engineering and weaponizing of pathogenic viruses and organisms!

If you live in Texas: TAKE ACTION: Send a message to your state senator asking them to support TX SB 1583!

If you don’t live in Texas: TAKE ACTION: Send a message to your state senator asking them to introduce a bill that would prohibit gain-of-function research in your state!


Jimmy Dore Interviews RFK Jr.

RFK Jr. explains, in this 20-minute interview, how his run for President could disrupt business as usual in the Democratic Party, sparking a “populist uprising” similar to Donald Trump’s successful rebellion against the Republican Party Establishment in 2016. Dore points out that the Democratic Party elite, with dirty tricks, pushed aside radical populist Bernie Sanders run for the Presidency in 2016 and 2020, so it’s unlikely they would allow RFK Jr. to gain the Presidential nomination in 2024.

RFK responds that he must try, and that the behavior of Biden et al, especially during the COVID disaster (and previously Obama and Clinton shameful record of warmongering and catering to the billionaire class) have betrayed the traditional support of the Dems for free speech, economic justice, unions, and environmental protection and turned away working class and rural voters.

Watch the interview

Watch RFK’s speech at the New Hampshire Institute for Politics


Can the CDC Be Trusted with Our Health?

Longtime OCA columnist Martha Rosenberg reports: “During the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a lot of new focus on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a U.S. government agency with about 11,000 employees (compared to the FDA‘s 18,000 employees).

Still, few are aware of the existence of the CDC Foundation, a separate, nonprofit organization, established by Congress in 1992 to seek private-sector donations and public-private partnerships.

To those concerned about conflicts of interest, “public-private partnerships,” which mix taxpayer funds with industry’s, are likely the biggest red flags. To avoid such conflicts the CDC foundation says it relies “on CDC’s governance and policies and its high standards of scientific integrity to guide every partnership we build,” and that projects are given a thorough review and approval.

The CDC Foundation sounds well-funded. According to Netsuite, an Oracle website, Wells Fargo, SC Johnson, a consumer product manufacturer, and Kaiser Permanente each donated one million dollars in 2020 and Facebook pledged a $10 million match in donations. Other donors include 3M, Bayer and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Foundation has a close relationship with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation reports Netsuite.

But the hefty donations have not fully escaped Congress’ eye. In 2018, members of the House of Representatives appropriations subcommittee, a congressional spending panel, had serious questions about the way the CDC Foundation (as well as the NIH foundation) disclosed donors and donations according to Science and sought more information and explanations from the foundations. “[I]t’s not OK to hide the identity of donors who have attached strings to their gift by labeling them as ‘anonymous,’” the lawmakers said in response to many anonymous givers.”

Learn more: Can the CDC Be Trusted With Our Health?


Bill Passed by House and Senate to Declassify COVID Origins Documents May Be Attempt to ‘Frame’ China, Experts Warn

Michael Nevradakis reports for Children’s Health Defense: “Lawmakers and media misrepresented a bill requiring the declassification of documents related to the origins of COVID-19, according to several experts who warned that contrary to what the public was told, the legislation limits the types of documents the government must declassify — raising questions about the bill’s real intent.

According to the sponsors of the COVID-19 Origin Act of 2023 — which sailed through the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives and is awaiting President Biden’s signature — the bill requires the government to declassify all documents pertaining to COVID-19.

But experts interviewed by The Defender said the bill requires the declassification only of documents related to the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China — the epicenter of the “lab leak theory.”

They suggested the limitations may be intended to reduce the culpability of U.S. and private actors in the potential leak of — or development of — COVID-19, by placing full blame on China and the Wuhan Institute of Virology… Independent journalist Sam Husseini said Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.), the Senate’s co-sponsor of the COVID-19 Origin Act, made “claims about the bill which are false.”

Learn more: Bill Passed by House and Senate to Declassify COVID Origins Documents May Be Attempt to ‘Frame’ China, Experts Warn