baby chicken chicks hatching out of eggs

The Fake Bird Flu (H5N1) Epizootic That Has Led Federal Officials To Cull Millions of Birds.

The disease is almost impossible to transmit and symptoms are mild. Why cull? Food control? Fear-mongering? Vaccine-mongering? Harbinger of a future lab-designed virus?

March 16, 2023 | Source: Meryl’s COVID Newsletter | by Meryl Nass

From today’s Yahoo News:

An outbreak of H5N1 avian influenza that started in 2021 has become the largest bird flu outbreak in history, both in the U.S. and worldwide. In the U.S. the virus has led to the destruction of millions of commercially raised chickens, turkeys, ducks and geese, and has killed thousands of wild birds.

Here is how bizarrely this issue was handled. From a report published last April in the Guardian:

More than 22 million birds have been killed in an attempt to contain the outbreak – the majority in Iowa, the US’s biggest producer of eggs. The slaughter of 5.3m hens at Rembrandt is the largest culling at any factory farm in the country.

The article goes on to say the billionaire owner of the plant fired almost all the workers immediately after they had killed and disposed of 5 million chickens, after one chicken tested positive for H5N1 “bird flu.”