Ronnie Cummins2024-04-30T18:43:02+00:00

Ronnie Cummins

It is with heavy hearts we share that our beloved International Director Ronnie Cummins passed away on April 26, 2023. Ronnie tragically lost his life to recently diagnosed bone and lymph cancer after dedicating so much of his life’s work to exposing the connections of disease and the toxins in our environment.

Read Ronnie’s Obituary in the Star Tribune
Read ‘A Note About the Life of Ronnie Cummins, 1946-2023’ on Think Regeneration
Read some of the hundreds of condolences, well-wishes, and stories about Ronnie, compiled from comments and posts across the internet.

Ronnie’s Articles:

Featured Videos:

Tribute to Ronnie Cummins by Ginna Acosta

Connecting Organic Food + Climate Activism

Climate and Regenerative Organic Agriculture with Ronnie Cummins

Ronnie performing Rising Star of Freedom

Ronnie with Vandana Shiva and Andre Leu

Regeneration in Catastrophic Times | Ronnie Cummins | TEDxSanMigueldeAllende

Ronnie Performing Van Morrison’s ‘Caravan’

Tributes to Ronnie:

“I met Ronnie, decades ago, in the very early stages of the struggle to protect our food supply, our planet, from genetically engineered contaminates. Was lucky enough to be able to host him (and Rose too) at my little casita in an agricultural neighborhood, just south of Albuquerque. What wonderful discussions we had; always over great healthy food, perfectly spiced with delicious commaradrie and laughter. One couldn’t help but immediately recognize, what an incredibly, extraordinary person he was, with his deep embrace of our interconnectedness. And what a magnificently active mind, always quick to see beyond the horizon, to the next goal, the next way to expand the work, another way to bring people and issues together.

I have been honored to be on the OCA advisory board since those early years and call Ronnie a friend and a dear brother in the work. Ronnie’s spirit is and will always be an abiding inspiration. Now that he is part of a higher power, I can’t help but feel he will be looking after us, as we continue his work, our work, of making a more just, peace in the world.

I love you Ronnie—you live in my heart!”

– Robin Seydel

A true friend and partner, Ronnie Cummins is a legend.

– Dr. Joesph Mercola

“Ronnie was everything this write-up says – and so much more. I worked for Ronnie and his wife, Rose, for nine years. We forged a lifelong friendship. But he treated me more like family than an employee or a friend. Ronnie was a visionary, whose irrepressible hope for the future was informed by his deep knowledge and understanding of history. He captivated crowds, speaking at length without a single note or prompt, the facts and figures just flowed. Rarely did his speeches not end in a standing ovation. I had the good fortune to be able to travel to faraway places with Ronnie. Everywhere he went, he inspired — and was energized by — others, but especially the young people. Long after people half his age had retired for the night, Ronnie would be singing and playing guitar into the wee hours of the morning. Yet when morning came around, he was the first one up, sipping his coffee, scanning the headlines . . . and plotting his next project. His slow, southern drawl belied an inexhaustible energy. Ronnie was inclusive. Generous. Fearless when it came to speaking truth to power. But most of all, he was authentic to the bone. The highest compliment he bestowed on others was to call them “the real deal.” Ronnie should know — he lived a life unequivocally committed to seeking justice and confronting those on the wrong side of it — no matter how powerful. No one person can step in and take his place — but together, an army of passionate revolutionaries can carry forward his life’s work. That, in the end, is the only way to honor his legacy.”

– Katherine Paul

Ronnie’s Books:

Billion Agave Project:

Ronnie’s most passionate regenerative project towards the end of his life was The Billion Agave Project, is a game-changing ecosystem-regeneration strategy recently adopted by several innovative Mexican farms in the high-desert region of Guanajuato. He was in the process of writing a book about this project at the time of his passing, and it is currently being finished by his close friend, Dr. Andre Leu.

This strategy combines the growing of agave plants and nitrogen-fixing companion treespecies (such as mesquite), with holistic rotational grazing of livestock. The result is a high-biomass, high forage-yielding system that works well even on degraded, semi-arid lands. A manifesto on mesquite is available in English and Español.

Visit The Billion Agave Project Page on Regeneration International

Read Ronnie’s Article, ‘Agave Power – Greening of the Desert’, a deep dive into the vision

View The Bill Agave Project Brochure