We Need Thousands of People. And You.


The GMO labeling movement won big in Vermont this year. And we may still win in Oregon, once all the votes are in.

But those laws will be nullified, and we will lose the right to pass any future state or federal mandatory GMO labeling laws, if Congress passes H.R. 4432, a bill to preempt mandatory GMO labeling laws.

H.R. 4432’€”the DARK (Deny Americans the Right to Know) ACT’€”was introduced by Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-Kan.) at the bidding of Monsanto, Big Food and the Koch Brothers.

At this very moment, Monsanto and Big Food are gunning to pass this law.

We need to stop this attack on the constitutional right of states to pass GMO labeling laws. That’€™s why we’€™re planning a massive protest and media event in Washington D.C. Can you help organize a bus from your area?

Here’€™s the scoop. Pompeo’€™s DARK ACT is up for a hearing on December 9 or 10 (the date hasn’€™t been finalized yet, but we need to start planning). OCA is working with activists in many states, including New York, Vermont, Maine, Connecticut, Massachusetts and Maryland, to bus people in to Washington on the date of the hearing.

What will we do there? We will fill the hearing room and line the streets with consumers and citizens who will make it clear to Congress, the media and the Biotech Bullies and Junk Food Giants that we will not sit quietly by while Congress allows Monsanto to trample on our Democracy and poison our food without transparency or accountability.

If you can fill a bus from your area, OCA will pay the transportation. We are also organizing an organic lunch with speakers and the press, following the hearing.

The GMO labeling movement has not come this far only to allow members of Congress, who have been paid off by Monsanto, to strip us of our constitutional rights. H.R. 4432 is designed to kill the GMO labeling movement once and for all. We can’€™t let that happen. We need thousands of people in order to get the attention of Congress and the media. Can you be one of them?

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