Gas mask amongst a garden of purple flowers

Toxic Travesty


Tell Senate: Don't put DowDupont lawyer in charge of cleaning up Dow's toxic waste!&hashtags=Dow,Monsanto,EPA,dioxin,glyphosate | Tell Senate: Don't put DowDupont lawyer in charge of cleaning up Dow's toxic waste!&hashtags=Dow,Monsanto,EPA,dioxin,glyphosate | Read the Full Article

Peter C. Wright is a lawyer who has spent his entire career helping Monsanto and Dow avoid cleaning up their toxic pollution.

Now Trump has nominated Wright to help lead the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Office of Land and Emergency Management—the office that oversees the Superfund hazardous waste cleanup program.

Wright is currently employed by DowDuPont, which is listed as the responsible party for more than 100 toxic Superfund sites that the EPA is trying to get cleaned up across the nation.

What are the chances that Dow will have to clean up its messes, if the Senate approves Wright to oversee the cleanup of Superfund sites?

Wright has a long history of being on the wrong side of the debate over chemical pollution. One of the tragic results of his advocacy is a breast cancer cluster in Midland, Michigan, home to Dow’s global headquarters. Residents there are exposed to the highest levels of dioxin pollution in the country. Yet Dow continues to block cancer victims’ efforts to seek justice.

And Wright is proud of that!

With all the drama around Trump’s tweets, his latest “you’re fired” or his most recent #metoo, it’s easy to miss the dramatic policy changes the Trump administration is making—changes that directly affect your daily life.

Don’t miss this opportunity to help stop this disastrous appointment.

TAKE ACTION: Tell your Senators to stand up for the environment by voting against Peter C. Wright