The FDA Settled With Us Because They Knew They Were Going To Lose

March 22, 2024 | Source: Pierre Kory’s Medical Musings | by Pierre Kory, MD, MPA

In my book, The War on Ivermectin, Chapter 33 is called “The Horse Dewormer PR Campaign.” I invite you to see this previous post where I detail the campaign’s highly coordinated and sequentially timed actions between the FDA, CDC, AMA, APHA and corporate controlled media (i.e. late night hosts, news broadcasts, newspapers etc). Clearly, the goal of the campaign was to convince the public that ivermectin was a dangerous and ineffective horse dewormer.

In the wake of that campaign, pharmacies stopped filling valid, legal prescriptions and hospitals removed ivermectin from their formularies. Never had an FDA approved drug, one of the (if not the) safest prescribed medications in history ever been vilified or restricted to this extent. Just like hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin had to be stopped.

The FDA’s role in that campaign started with the posting of the below tweet on August 21, 2021, a week after the report on the below left came out, showing a massive rise in ivermectin prescriptions in the U.S during the deadly Delta wave.