Ten Years in Defense of the Milpa, Native Corns and Mexican Biodiversity

July 14, 2023 | Source: Regeneration International | by Mercedes López Martínez

The class action’s goal is that federal courts declare or acknowledge the following four matters:

  • That genetically modified organism (GMOs), GM, or transgenic corn have been released with no legal authorization.
  • That the fact that GM corn exists in the field without permits, violates human rights to native corns biological diversity of current and future generations; to food; to health, to a healthy environment and cultural rights, amongst them free will.
  • That the commercial release of GM corn will surpass established limits in that applicable legislation, which will generate human rights violations.
  • That all permits to plant GM corn be denied in Mexico.

Precautionary measure SCJN ratification

A strategic advancement was the granting of a precautionary measure in September 2013 that prevents commercial planting of genetically modified corn, strengthening the background of the lawsuit, which does not intend an economic profit, but the definitive denial of permits for the release or planting of transgenic corn in the country, and that tribunals definitively ban planting of genetically modified corns in the center of origin and permanent diversification.