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Thank Robert De Niro for seeking truth about vaccines! RT! | Thank Robert De Niro for seeking truth about vaccines! RT! | Read the Full Article

Actor Robert De Niro (rightfully) took some heat for allowing the Tribeca Film Festival to censor the film “VAXXED—From Cover-Up to Catastrophe” after initially supporting the films’ screening.

But in an April 13 interview with the “Today Show,” De Niro stood up for the film, telling the interviewers “Let’s find out the truth.” De Niro, whose 18-year-old son is autistic, also did interviews with FOX News and NBC, in which reporters tried to discredit the film and downplay the risks of vaccines. But each time, De Niro stood up for the film and urged people to watch it. 

VAXXED” is a documentary film based on claims by Dr. William Thompson that he and colleagues at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) lied about the results of their own study, a study showing a link between the MMR vaccine and the rise of autism in African American boys.

The film, directed by Andrew Wakefield and produced by Del Bigtree, features journalist Ben Swann who examines Thompson’s claims through interviews he conducts with doctors, journalists, authors and former CDC specialists.

De Niro is right to defend “VAXXED.” The science on vaccines and autism is far from settled. Last year, researchers discovered the brain is directly connected to the immune system via previously unknown vessels — a discovery that could have significant implications for autism.

Please urge De Niro to use his star power to keep this issue front and center in the media.

More on vaccines and autism

Watch De Niro on the “Today Show”

TAKE ACTION: Tell Robert De Niro: Please Keep Seeking the Truth about Vaccines! 

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