Should I Water My Plants Before a Frost? Experts Have These Warnings to Avoid Frost Damage

It’s vital to know when and how much to water plants before and after a frost to help tender plants through winter

December 22, 2022 | Source: Homes & Gardens | by Chiana Dickson

If you have been working on your garden all year then you may be worried about the effects of frosts on your precious plants. And you may be wondering whether you should water your plants before a frost.

If frosts are inbound, getting the watering right could be crucial to keeping tender plants alive through winter, according to experts. ‘Knowing when to water plants between frosts is something all experts agree is essential,’ says Rachel Crow, garden editor for Homes & Gardens. ‘Moist soil holds up to four times more heat than dry soil, so, if you are in a dry climate, watering might well be necessary a couple of days before a frost is forecast. Be aware, though, that watering too little, too much or too late could cause more damage than the frost itself.’

Here, experts explain more about when to water plants around winter frosts, and how to look out for frost damage.