Multiple people holding a plant.

Seed Saving 101: Everything You Need to Know

February 9, 2023 | Source: EcoWatch | by Libby Leonard

During the pandemic, many turned to gardening as a refuge. According to a survey, while many did it because they were concerned about food access and food security, others also said it was mainly a way to feel less isolated and depressed, and as a way to grow food for the community.

So many people turned to “pandemic gardening” that seed companies couldn’t keep up with the demand. During this time, the practice of saving seeds also started growing in popularity, but why is it important?

Traditionally, the process of saving seeds has been practiced for thousands of years, particularly in Indigenous communities who rely on crops not just for food, but for social and cultural purposes. It has been and still is not only an investment in future harvests, but a critical lifeline to the environment, food security, and the preservation of cultures.