Scientists Reveal 14 Evolutionary Dead Ends for Humanity

November 21, 2023 | Source: Knowridge Science Report | by Steven Liang

For the first time, scientists have applied the idea of evolutionary traps to entire human societies.

Their groundbreaking research suggests that humanity might be heading towards 14 ‘evolutionary dead ends.’

These dead ends range from climate change crises to dangers posed by artificial intelligence and widespread diseases.

Humans have achieved remarkable success in evolution. However, in the current era, known as the Anthropocene—defined by significant human impact on Earth—we are facing numerous global crises.

Problems like the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, and various financial and social conflicts are happening all at once, creating a complex situation scientists call a ‘polycrisis.’

Peter Søgaard Jørgensen, a researcher at Stockholm University and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, highlights the paradox of human innovation.

Our creativity and ability to adapt have had unintended consequences. Essentially, we’ve been too successful and smart for our own good, leading us towards potential pitfalls.