Save Organic Standards!


You’€™d think an organization called the Organic Trade Association (OTA) would be keen on protecting organic standards.

But it was the OTA that played a key role in pressuring the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to weaken the standards for organic. Again.

The National Organic Standards Board (NOSB)’€”those are the folks who get to decide what’€™s allowed in organics, and what isn’€™t’€”recently changed the rules. The upshot? The list of non-organic and synthetic materials allowed in organic is likely to get longer and longer.

The NOSB didn’€™t ask for our opinion before it made its rule change. But we plan to share it. In person. At the next NOSB meeting, April 29 – May 2, in San Antonio, Texas. We’€™ll also deliver a petition to USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack asking him to reverse this disastrous new rule. Can you sign on? Thanks!

TAKE ACTION: Tell USDA Secretary Vilsack: Save organic standards! Reverse the NOSB’€™s new rule that weakens organic standards.