Up on a Roof


You don’€™t have to live in a rural area to crave locally grown foods. And you don’€™t have to move to the countryside to grow them.

More and more people are growing their own food. Either because they want to be more self-sufficient. Or because they want cleaner, healthier food. And the ‘€œgrow-your-own’€ movement is finding creative ways to fit gardening into their schedules. And into common spaces.

In Japan, commuters can plant seeds and pull weeds while they’€™re waiting for their train to arrive. And they’€™re grooming their gardens right in the center of the world’€™s most populated city’€”Tokyo. Because Japan’€™s commuters can lease public garden space on the train station rooftop.

Tokyo isn’€™t the only city planting gardens on their rooftop. It’€™s happening all over the world, including in some American cities.

Read more about Tokyo’€™s train station rooftop farms

Check out this video of rooftop farms in New York City

Learn more about rooftop farming