Mother Earth Day 2015

Ronnie’s Mother Earth Day Message


“The elimination of fossil fuels for all but the most limited and essential purposes is necessary but not sufficient to allow our descendants a fair chance for a healthy and prosperous future. Enhancing carbon biosequestration in terrestrial ecosystems is also essential.”  Wayne A. White, Biosequestration and Ecological Diversity p.118 (CRC Press 2013)

Feeling depressed on Earth Day week? Tired of the standard doom-and-gloom discourse surrounding global warming and climate change? Feeling disempowered?

There’s a better way. What if, starting this week, we embrace what the United Nations has designated the “Year of the Soil?”  What if we look at our planetary crisis from an entirely different, and more hopeful perspective? 

There’s plenty of good news. Including the fact that the global grassroots, farmers and consumers, united, can reverse our suicidal “business-as-usual” food, farming, energy and land use practices. By harnessing the power of Regenerative Organic Agriculture and reforestation, we can lsuck down enough excess heat-trapping carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and naturally sequester it in our plants, trees and soils.  

Regenerative Agriculture and Earth Repair practices can not only mitigate, but also, in combination with drastic reductions (80-90 percent) of fossil fuel emissions in our food and farming, transportation, housing, utilities, and industrial sectors, actually reverse global warming. 

It’s time to think of ourselves as climate and food activists. Because the harsh truth is this: There will be no organic food, nor food whatsoever, on a burned out planet. Nor will there ever be a 90-percent reduction in greenhouse gas pollution without a transformation of our food and farming and land use practices, both in North America and globally.

Read Ronnie’s essay