Agropecuaria Kehrle

Since its foundation in 1985, Guará Farm was a pioneer in the state of Tocantins in embryo transfer techniques, artificial insemination and water management in contour curves. Currently, the farm continues with its tradition of innovation and uses innovative management techniques that harmonize with the environment, using nature as the inspiring master and partner.n n Our way of understanding ranching is that we should be part of the ecosystem, not dominate it. We want to breed animals of superior genetics while regenerating the soil and the diversity of fauna and flora on the farm, as well as having a positive impact on our community.

Type: Farm

Owner's Name: Aline Kerhle

Owner's Title: Owner


Phone: (55) (639) 9104-2670


Social Links:

Address: Estrada do trevo da praia
Aliança, Tocantins 77455-000



Certifications: None

Practices: None