Reducing Pesticides in Food: Major Food Manufacturers Earn an F Grade

November 8, 2023 | Source: CNN | by Sandee LaMotte

Seventeen major food manufacturers earned an average grade of F for their lack of progress in reducing pesticides in the products they sell, according to a new analysis by As You Sow, a nonprofit specializing in shareholder advocacy.

“Many companies set pesticide reduction goals of 2025 and 2030 that appeal to shareholders,” said Cailin Dendas, lead author for the report, “Pesticides in the Pantry: Transparency & Risk in Food Supply Chains,” published Wednesday.

“Now, we’re looking at the progress companies are making to achieve those goals, and finding little significant movement,” said Dendas, environmental health program coordinator for the nonprofit.

“It’s disheartening to see so many bad grades across the board for these major food production companies,” said Jane Houlihan, research director for Healthy Babies, Bright Futures, an alliance of nonprofits, scientists and donors with a mission of reducing babies’ exposures to neurotoxic chemicals.