Corn field with a red question mark

Real (Bad) News


TAKE ACTION BY MIDNIGHT JUNE 19: Don’t let @realDonaldTrump deregulate GMOs!&hashtags=banGMOs,resist,regenerate | TAKE ACTION BY MIDNIGHT JUNE 19: Don’t let @realDonaldTrump deregulate GMOs!&hashtags=banGMOs,resist,regenerate | Read the Full Article

In 2016, candidate Trump insulted Iowa voters when he tweeted: “Too much #Monsanto in the #corn creates issues in the brain?”

Don’t be confused by Trump’s tweets. And don’t be fooled by the fake news that Melania Trump has banned Monsanto from the White House.

These distractions hide the real news: The Trump Administration has just announced a new GMO deregulation scheme, and it’s the most audacious effort to force dangerous, experimental “foods” onto the market since genetically modified organisms (GMOs) were first introduced in the 1990s.

Under Trump’s new GMO deregulation plan, there would still be no safety testing or meaningful labeling of GMOs. There would still be nothing to protect organic and non-GMO crops from contamination—which isn’t all that different than what we got from Obama and every president going back to George H.W. Bush.

What makes Trump’s new scheme (a giant gift to Monsanto and Dow Chemical) unique is that it takes deregulation to a whole new level.

If Trump’s proposed regulations are finalized, they won’t just change the way GMOs are treated by the government. They will cripple our capacity to launch marketplace campaigns to keep new GMOs out of the food supply—because we’ll know even less about new GMOs in the pipeline, and where they’re being tested.

TAKE ACTION BY MIDNIGHT JUNE 19: Don’t let Trump deregulate GMOs!

Live in Maryland? Attend the June 16 hearing, or watch the webinar (Email if you plan to attend). And watch for our June 16 live broadcast from the hearing on OCA’s facebook page.