single match igniting in fire and smoke

Practical Preppers: How to Be Ready for Anything (Without the Panic)

I tend to be less “Doomsday prepper” and more interested in living a more self-reliant lifestyle in which we count on ourselves instead of depending so much on others. It’s a different kind of emergency preparedness, but one that fits our lifestyle. I suppose you might consider us practical preppers.

May 12, 2012 | Source: Attainable Sustainable | by Kris Bordessa

Preppers Who are Practical

This topic came up on a local self-sufficient living list and I was impressed with what Sue Barnett had to say. It is a bit localized, but I think that no matter where you live you’ll find something to think about as you plan – or update – your emergency kit.

Availability vs. Expense

Unless were are under siege of war, I don’t see a lot of items just disappearing. But they surely [will be] more and more expensive to buy or maintain. There will come a point where you find you cannot afford them, and thus cannot afford to live here. Sadly many people have already reached that point and moved to the mainland. But those people are only putting off total bankruptcy by living some place where it is cheaper rather than learning to be more self-sufficient. Being dependent upon things like propane, lamp oil, generators and gasoline, canned goods and imported food, power tools, etc. is inviting downfall. In my opinion, it would be wise [to] gradually wean oneself from such dependency.