Plastic Cutting Boards Cause Ingestion of Microplastics, Says Study

December 18, 2023 | Source: One Green Planet | by Nicholas Vincent

Plastic cutting boards, once a kitchen staple, are now under scrutiny. A recent study has revealed alarming levels of microplastics released during use, raising concerns about their safety and impact on health. This revelation is prompting many to reconsider their choice of kitchen tools.

Microplastics, tiny particles less than 5 millimeters in size, are ubiquitous in our environment. From the ocean depths to the air we breathe, they’re seemingly inescapable. The durability of plastic, while initially seen as a boon, now poses significant environmental challenges, as it takes centuries to decompose. Beyond environmental woes, there’s growing apprehension about how these particles might affect our health, especially when they’re part of our daily routines, like using a plastic cutting board.

A study published in Ecotoxicology and Public Health examined the quantity of microplastics transferred to food when using polypropylene and polyethylene cutting boards.