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U.S. EPA Withdraws Bogus Safety Registration for Monsanto’s Glyphosate

Who is driving the bus in the so-called Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)?

Monsanto/Bayer’s toxic herbicide, glyphosate (active ingredient in Roundup) the world’s most popular and dangerous agrochemical, sprayed on GMO crops and foods and used as a desiccant or drying agent on non-organic beans and grains at harvest, as well as urban lawns, gardens, and schoolyards, continues to poison our food, water, and bodies, as well as birds, pollinators, and marine life.

Award-winning journalist Carey Gillam and Shannon Kelleher report:

“US regulators on Friday said they would withdraw all remaining portions of the interim registration review decision for the weed killer glyphosate.

The move comes after the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals issued an opinion saying the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) had violated the law in its assessment of glyphosate, which is the world’s most widely used weed killer and the active ingredient in Roundup and numerous other herbicide products.

The court found that EPA had ignored important studies in its human health safety assessment of the chemical and had also violated the Endangered Species Act. The EPA’s withdrawal comes before an October 1 deadline under which the agency was supposed to have completed its assessment. EPA had asked the court to extend its deadline but the court denied the request.

In its June 17 opinion, the 9th circuit said the agency’s 2020 assessment of glyphosate, the active ingredient in the herbicide Roundup, was flawed in many ways. The federal appeals court ruled that EPA failed to follow established guidelines for determining cancer risk, ignored important studies, and discounted expert advice from a scientific advisory panel. The EPA applied ‘inconsistent reasoning’ in finding that the chemical does not pose ‘any reasonable risk to man or the environment,’ the panel determined.

The court vacated the human health portion of the EPA’s glyphosate assessment and said the agency needed to apply ‘further consideration’ to evidence. The 9th Circuit also said the agency violated the Endangered Species Act in its assessment.”

Learn more: U.S. EPA to Withdraw Interim Registration Review Decision for Glyphosate


New Colombia President Slams Glyphosate ‘Poison’ in United Nations General Assembly Speech

OCA always tries to “connect the dots” between the issues that the media fails to cover. As we’ve written earlier, the fundamental reason we have an immigration crisis in the US (especially in the border areas) and Europe is because of poverty and violence. Most of the former US or European colonies in the global South are still ruled by oligarchs, military, and drug lords, aided and abetted by multinational corporations. These corrupt regimes continue to be propped up financially and militarily by the US and EU Establishment, (basically because they are profitable for multinational corporations and the military industrial complex), upholding an immoral and self-destructive foreign policy, including the “drug war” and “war on terrorism and communism” carried out by US CIA and DEA drug war operatives and their counterparts in the EU. Daily life for the overwhelming majority of people in the global South has become an ever more difficult struggle for survival and dignity. In many areas of Mexico and Latin America and the impoverished and violence-torn regions in Central America. Haiti, Venezuela, and much of Africa, life for the broad majority, especially rural people and those living in impoverished urban communities, has become intolerable.

In addition, degraded lands, agro-export, so-called Free Trade- controlled markets, and the climate crisis have made farming and grazing ever more difficult. OCA and Regeneration International’s years of ongoing work in rural Mexico, Africa, and Asia have taught us that organic and regenerative farmers, including young people, empowered to earn a decent living, have no desire to leave their families and their communities to immigrate to the US or Europe.

If we want impoverished, victimized, and desperate people to stay home and work and study instead of risking their lives to cross international borders in search of safety and a livable income, we need to help them achieve rural (and urban) prosperity, decriminalize all drugs (as Portugal has successfully done) and stop giving money and training to corrupt governments, police, and military. Wall or no walls, desperate and persecuted people will continue, by any means necessary, to make way to countries where they and their families can feel safe and earn a living. Listen to the words of the new President of Colombia, calling for an end to the Drug War and the deadly spraying of Monsanto’s herbicide, glyphosate, on the croplands of Colombia and Latin America.

Learn more: New Colombia President Slams Glyphosate ‘Poison’ in United Nations General Assembly Speech


What Would a Nuclear War Look Like?

Who’s driving the bus to Armageddon in the Ukraine? Biden, NATO, Putin, Zelensky, the Military and Biological Weapons Complex?

Jeff Thomas writes for Global Research:

“For eight years, NATO has backed puppet rulers in Ukraine, funded attacks on Donbass, repeatedly violated the Minsk Treaties, outlawed the speaking of Russian in the Luhansk and Donetsk Republics, and has destroyed democratic opposition and free media in Ukraine, leaving it a one-party government, essentially owned and financed by the US and administrated by US operatives.

Not much subtlety there.

Yet, somehow, the US has managed to convince the people of the US and other Western countries that Russia is the bad boy, is out of control and must be stopped.

In spite of all the above, Russia remained stoic and sought continually to keep a lid on the situation. It did, however, state firmly that the ‘red line’ would be if Ukraine were to go nuclear, becoming a direct threat to Moscow. That would not be tolerated.

Surely, this was a sober heads-up to any sensible country that the one thing that must not happen would be for Ukraine to go nuclear. After all, once that Pandora’s Box was opened, the last barrier to possible nuclear war would be crossed.

For eight years, Russia had been goaded again and again by the West, yet they did not take the bait. Then, in February of 2022, at the annual Munich Security Conference, the President of Ukraine announced his intent to make Ukraine a nuclear country.

Five days later, Russia invaded Ukraine. Immediately, the US propaganda arm went into operation, and for months, even as Ukraine was consistently losing the war, at every turn, the Western media renewed its claims that the war was turning; that Russia was faltering, and the heroes of Ukraine were beating back the Great Bear.

But all the above is old news. Why, at this juncture, should we be reviewing it?

Well, its continued significance is that NATO (or the US – they are virtually interchangeable at this point) has, from the beginning, behaved recklessly with the prospect of nuclear conflict.

Are they mad? Or are they so foolish as to think that they have some sort of “edge” in a nuclear conflict? Or do they see this as a game of one-upmanship in which the only important concern is which antagonist has the greater bluster?

We can only speculate as to the answer to this quandary. But, setting this aside, we should be questioning, a) what is the likelihood that the West would be so foolhardy as to actually push the button and, b) what would the outcome look like?”

Learn More: What Would a Nuclear War Look Like?