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illustrative rendering of a scientist in a laboratory performing modifications on a coronavirus cell with a syringe

Terror by Error?

In August 2020, noted science writer William Sargent published the first book on the possible origins of COVID-19.
In Terror by Error? The COVID Chronicles, Sargent delves into the murky, often intertwined worlds of medical research and biological warfare to determine if COVID-19 was caused by accidents similar to those that have occurred from 1617 to the present. Sargent reveals that mistakes made in dual use medical research and biological weapons facilities led to tick borne diseases in the United States, smallpox, anthrax and other germ outbreaks in Russia.
Sargent helps unearth the factors that caused COVID-19, closing with the hope that these conditions will be altered or permanently banned in the future.
Organic Consumers Association International Director Ronnie Cummins, coauthor of The Truth About COVID-19 and Political Director Alexis Baden-Mayer, who has written her own series of articles on the origins of COVID-19, the Gain-of-Function Hall of Shame, interview Sargent in this 1-hour live broadcast.

WATCH: Recording of the live interview

TAKE ACTION: Invite Congress to a Briefing on the Origins of COVID-19

TAKE ACTION: Tell Congress to Investigate COVID Origins!


Save the Bison!

Help stop the call by the National Park Service to kill off 100+ bison!

Last month the U.S. National Park Service and Arizona Game and Fish Department announced it was looking for “skilled volunteers” to help with the lethal removal of bison from Grand Canyon National Park.

“There are better solutions than the thoughtless slaughter of so many animals.”

Thousands of people have signed this petition to oppose the planned killing of bison, calling for tribal consideration and the relocation of the animals to tribal nations.

“Indigenous peoples should be in charge of the well being of these animals, the US Government should no longer have that right since it ordered the complete extermination of these animals in the 1870s with the sole purpose of weakening Indigenous communities.” – Sean Sherman, The Sioux Chef

Read more: Thousands Sign Petition to Stop Grand Canyon Bison Hunt Lottery After 45,000 Volunteer

Sign the petition


Ronnie’s New Book is Now on the Best Seller List of USA Today and Amazon

This week our publisher, Chelsea Green, has begun shipping out thousands of copies of our new book. Pre-orders of The Truth About COVID-19, co-authored with Dr. Joseph Mercola have been strong, with over 100,000 books already purchased. Amazon this week is ranking our book as the number 9 book on their current bestseller list, while USA Today is ranking us as number 8.  

Learn more about the book and order your copy!


Essential Reading for the Week

African Civil Society Groups Denounce Corporate Agribusiness Takeover of UN Food Summit

Calls for Biden to Halt Construction of Enbridge Line Continue
44% Of Older Millennials Already Have a Chronic Health Condition. Here’s What That Means for Their Futures

How DARPA Took Over Pentagon Internet on Inauguration Day

Academic Exposes Media Propaganda

Hope Below Our Feet: Recent Articles on Regenerative Grazing

Gardening Improves Your Mental and Physical Health


Carbon Markets Stand to Reward ‘No-Till’ Farmers. But Most Are Still Tilling the Soil

Civil Eats writes:

“As the adoption of no-till practices has spread widely across parts of the U.S. over the past few decades, the approach has been touted as an important means of storing carbon in soil—and a key solution to solving the climate crisis.

“But despite its recent growth in popularity, ‘no-till’ has no single, agreed-upon meaning. In fact, the phrase is often a misnomer. Most no-till farmers have not cut out tillage altogether and do not engage in other beneficial practices such as planting cover crops. As a result, these ‘seldom-till’ farmers aren’t able to permanently store carbon in their soil.” 

Learn more: Carbon Markets Stand to Reward ‘No-Till’ Farmers. But Most Are Still Tilling the Soil.


Center for Food Safety Sues NIH Over Unlawfully Keeping Secret Federal Funding of Research Creating New More Virulent Pandemic Viruses

Last week, OCA’s longtime ally, the Center for Food Safety (CFS), filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the National Institutes of Health (NIH), an agency with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). CFS is suing the agency over its failure to release government documents related to the approval and issuance of NIH contracts and grants that fund research projects involving controversial gain of function/gain of threat studies with dangerous, so-called “enhanced potential pandemic pathogens.”

“The NIH’s refusal to make public the research it is funding to enhance the transmissibility, infectiousness, and lethality of potential pandemic viruses is grossly irresponsible,” said Andrew Kimbrell, executive director of Center for Food Safety. “We are litigating to get that information because transparency and public knowledge about these highly hazardous experiments could be an important step in avoiding the next pandemic.” 

Read more: Center for Food Safety Sues NIH Over Unlawfully Keeping Secret Federal Funding of Research Creating New More Virulent Pandemic Viruses


A Rabbi’s Letter to His (Former) Doctor, by Rabbi Michoel Green

Dear Dr. ____,

Thank you for the recent correspondence in which you eagerly invited me to receive the COVID-19 Dose 1 vaccine at your clinic. You wrote: “COVID-19 vaccination is safe, effective, and is our path to controlling the pandemic.”

Kindly provide documentation (that I may share with my lawyer) certifying that you take full fiscal responsibility for any injury resulting from your “safe” vaccination.

If you cannot take any actual responsibility for its safety, I’ll disregard your invitation and will caution my entire community to do the same.

Moreover, I will advise them that you are parroting specious rhetoric that this injection is “safe and effective” but are unwilling to back up your claims. We’ll all realize that by refusing to accept liability for a product which YOU are actively promoting, you’re effectively conceding that it is neither “safe” nor “effective…”

Read More: Dear Doctor…


How Monsanto/Bayer’s Roundup, GMOs, and Chemical Agriculture Created an Epidemic of Chronic Disease

In this educational but humorous 25-minute video animation, Dr. Zack Bush outlines the damage that corporations like Monsanto have inflicted on our health, setting us up for chronic disease and viral triggers like COVID-19 that magnify and exacerbate these pre-existing conditions. 

Watch: How Chemical Farming Created an Epidemic of Chronic Disease

person putting a coin in the shape of the planet earth into a black piggy bank

Bank On It?

“Once plants and animals were raised together on the same farm—which therefore neither produced unmanageable surpluses of manure, to be wasted and to pollute the water supply, nor depended on such quantities of commercial fertilizer. The genius of American farm experts is very well demonstrated here: they can take a solution and divide it neatly into two problems.” -Wendell Berry in his 1996 book The Unsettling of America

Agriculture’s emissions are 10 percent of the US carbon budget and come, in roughly equal parts, from synthetic nitrogen fertilizer and factory farm manure lagoons.

Instead of fixing these two problems, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack would tweak them slightly. He wants to use the Commodity Credit Corporation’s $30 billion to create a Carbon Bank to help farmers increase carbon sequestration where synthetic nitrogen fertilizer is applied and divert animal waste to methane digesters.

But, this Carbon Bank funding would just lock these two problems in place.

The only way to transform agriculture from pollution to solution is to reintegrate crops and livestock in biodiverse regenerative organic farming systems.

Read more: The Potential―and Challenges―of Agriculture as a Climate Change Solution

Tell Congress: Taxpayers Shouldn’t Pay for Polluters’ Carbon Offsets


The Vaccine Passport Dilemma

We all want to get back to normal. As the government works on a set of standards for vaccine passports and enlists the business community to adopt the vaccine passport, we are told that we can “get back to normal by Christmas.”

The message of “getting back to normal” is an enticing one for a public tired of COVID restrictions. But we should take caution here. During the pandemic, we were given solutions from the government that were promised as a panacea but failed to live up to expectations. 

Based on faulty Imperial College models, lockdowns were seen as a short-term solution that would contain the pandemic. Mask mandates were promised as a way to stop COVID-19 despite ambiguous evidence for efficacy and later evidence that showed less than promised benefits.

Now we are offered the latest “solution” from public health that follows in their tradition of using social control to control public behavior with the vaccine passport. The same recipe is used — the media promising the benefits and discounting the concerns with the familiar message of “finally, this solution will end the pandemic!” while forgetting that each previously deployed solution has had negative costs.

We should take pause indeed. The vaccine passport is the most controversial and divisive solution presented yet, and, as we will see here, the vaccine passport has unintended, unforeseen consequences for our society. 

Read more: The Vaccine Passport Dilemma: How the Vaccine Passport Exacerbates Existing Inequalities In Society