Organic Bytes
Newsletter #827: Restrict Risky mRNA Foods!


Restrict Risky mRNA Foods!

Risky mRNA technology is already being used to produce our food.

State legislators are playing catch-up, trying to get ahead of these new GMOs with bills to restrict or label mRNA foods.

Old GMOs modify DNA. These new GMOs modify RNA, but the impact on the eater is the same: they expose us to new proteins that could be toxic or allergenic. As this explainer in the Atlantic puts it:

“People rely on proteins for just about every bodily function; mRNA—which stands for messenger ribonucleic acid—tells our cells which proteins to make. With human-edited mRNA, we could theoretically commandeer our cellular machinery to make just about any protein under the sun. You could mass-produce molecules that occur naturally in the body …. Or you could request our cells to cook up an off-menu protein….”

What “off-menu” proteins are being produced inside the bodies of food animals receiving mRNA vaccines is anyone’s guess.

TAKE ACTION: Tell Your Lawmakers to Restrict Risky mRNA Foods!


How One Man Single-Handedly Saved A Rare Butterfly Species

By Meghan Cook, Good Good Good:

“One person can make a world of difference. Tim Wong, a senior biologist at the California Academy of Sciences, single-handedly brought a struggling butterfly species back to his home city of San Francisco.

‘I became aware of the California Pipevine swallowtail — which is native here to San Francisco — a couple years ago,’ Wong said in an interview with The Weather Channel this past summer. ‘I was looking into trying to create a pollinator habitat in my own backyard and I found that there were some native butterflies that needed a little extra help.’

‘What I learned is that a lot of our native butterflies have really tight relationships with native plants and some types of butterflies may only feed on one native plant,” Wong told meteorologists Stephanie Abrams and Jordan Steele.

Fortunately, Wong was able to find the plant in the San Francisco Botanical Garden in Golden Gate Park and was allowed to take home a few clippings of the plant.”

Read more about how conservation and stewardship can start in your very own backyard.


Regenerative History: How Colonization Sought to Destroy Regenerative Indigenous Farming Methods

During the 2023 People’s Food Summit, Regeneration International’s International Director Dr. André Leu had a conversation with the internationally renown Dr. Vandana Shiva. In their conversation, Dr. Vandana Shiva was discussing how the colonizers who came to Australia reacted to Australia’s 65,000 year old tradition of aboriginal agriculture and food systems.

Dr. Vandana Shiva says:

“And because they farmed so beautifully, they left no destructive trait. They left a creative trait of mobile diversity. And that was used by the colonizers as proof that they’re not civilized, because being civilized in colonial times, as being civilized today, is destroying. The power of destruction is defined as civilization rather than the power of sustaining and regeneration. 60,000 years is not a short time.”

“But as Albert Howard wrote so beautifully in his book Agriculture Testament, that in the farms of Asia, of India, you see farming as it should be, as perennial as the forests and the prairie and the ocean. And those laws of how nature works is what he articulated in terms of how Indian farmers and peasants have worked. The law of diversity. Nature does not practice monocultures and uniformity and fascism. And the law of return: Nature does not build systems through extraction and taking and taking, but always circular economies giving back. And the work we are doing in regeneration is really going deep into those sciences of regeneration which are forgotten because the Earth was defined as empty, Terra nullius, the entire legal jurisprudence that came out of colonizing Australia was: it’s an empty land because these Aboriginal people aren’t people. They’re like the fauna and flora, which I’m very happy to be like a fauna in flora, because we are a family.”

“And this estrangement from the rest of creation is a big part of it. Then they went on to say, the soil is empty… And the best scientists were objecting. Albert Howard was objecting. Liebig, who is the father of modern organic chemistry, wrote a little book whose English translation I’ve written a forward to. And this is on the law of recycling, he says: ‘I thought it would be enough to just announce and spread the truth, as is customary in science, that nature works in cycles and recycling is what you should see. I finally came to understand this wasn’t right and the altars of lies must be destroyed if we wish to give truth a fair chance.’

Listen to the the whole podcast here on Spotify (or search for Regeneration International on your favorite podcast app)

Read the Transcript of This Episode Here


Bayer’s SynBio Spokesman George Church

If you want to get really freaked out by what Bayer might do with synthetic biology, watch this Leaps by Bayer video, “The Culture of Synthetic Biology and Moonshots for a Better World at SynBioBeta 2020,” where George Church makes the case for genetically engineering humans to be resistant to viruses (a Chinese scientist has already engineered HIV-resistant human twins, born in 2018), engineering Frankenfoods for life (sweatshops?) on Mars, and growing human babies in artificial wombs.

In a decade-old talk, “George Church on the Future of Human Genomics and Synthetic Biology,” he explained that “We’re getting to the point … where we can not only manipulate human genomes, but we can manipulate human brains.”

Frighteningly, George Church is a Pentagon/CIA contractor funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)’s Safe Genes project on gene-editing weapons and its Biology is Technology (BiT) project that covers everything “from programmable microbes to human-machine symbiosis,” as well as under the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Agency (IARPA)’s Machine Intelligence from Cortical Networks (MICrONS) project to “barcode” the brain and its Functional Genomic and Computational Assessment of Threats (Fun GCAT) project to categorize DNA by “how dangerous” it is.

What are they trying to do? Build a real-life Matrix?

If you’d prefer to live in the real world, eat real food, and not have to worry about gene-editing weapons and brain manipulation, click the links below to learn more and take action.

Read more: Bayer’s SynBio Spokesman George Church

TAKE ACTION: Stop Weaponizing Pathogens!

TAKE ACTION: Ban SynBio Foods!


U.S. Food Companies Trapped on Pesticide Treadmill

New report from As You Sow:

“As You Sow released its third ‘Pesticides in the Pantry’ report today, ranking 17 major food manufacturing companies on their progress in pesticide reduction and the adoption of regenerative agricultural practices.

Compared to As You Sow’s 2021 report, the overall average scores dropped from a “D” to an “F” due to continued heavy pesticide use in major food supply chains and a lack of progress in reducing harm to farmworkers, fenceline communities, ecosystems, pollinators, farm resiliency, and climate health.

‘These companies are at a crossroads that will determine the health of our land, our communities, and their own viability as an industry,’ said Dendas. ‘All companies need to monitor pesticide use in their supply chain strictly. But they can’t stop there. Food companies must ensure that regenerative agriculture policies are adopted to protect farmworkers and nearby communities and reduce harm to soil, waters, ecosystems, and climate.’”

General Mills comes out on top with an unimpressive Cand JM Smuckers has plenty of company with a consistent F, read this scorecard to see where the other food behemoths fall.

Read the New Scorecard


Why Regenerative Farming Is Taking Hold in Red America

Eve Andrews writes for Fast Company:

“Seiler started converting his lands to an entirely no-till system in 1986, and he’s become something of an evangelist for this style of farming. He speaks at conferences, he participates in a program with the Nature Conservancy to share practices with other farmers. He rhapsodizes over the importance of “working with Mother Nature,” fostering life in farmland ecosystems, and the all-important foundation of rich, healthy soil. The way he puts it, he doesn’t “want to be a miner of the land.”

But Seiler would not describe himself as a climate activist—in fact, he says climate change is not a major motivating factor for his nature-informed, land-stewarding school of farming.

Climate change—particularly as a political cause—is rarely mentioned on Seiler’s farm, and not eagerly discussed. In an early conversation, when I asked him about his position on climate change, he said: ‘Do I think climate change is real? Yes. I also think the climate has always changed.’

To the climate-conscious, it may be unnerving to hear a talking point frequently employed by climate deniers—particularly from someone so deeply invested in caring for his local environment. And Seiler is not a climate denier; he recognizes that extreme weather events are more frequent due to climate change, and talks passionately about the importance of sequestering carbon in the soil and the perils of rampant deforestation. But it is the political tone of the issue, he says, that makes him shy away.”

Read more about why many of these farmers are working to preserve soil health


Biodynamics: Farming in Service of Life

The Biodynamic Association writes:

“The Biodynamic Association (BDA) awakens and enlivens co-creative relationships between humans and the earth, transforming the practice and culture of agriculture to renew the vitality of the earth, the integrity of our food, and the health and wholeness of our communities. The BDA is a participatory, membership-based nonprofit organization that works to nurture the North American biodynamic movement as a diverse, collaborative, and thriving ecosystem.  We aim to incubate strong leadership in the biodynamic community; grow the community of biodynamic farmers, ranchers, gardeners, and land stewards; communicate the powerful vision of biodynamics and the potential it holds for the Earth; and nurture the deep spiritual roots and insights of biodynamics.

Biodynamics is rooted in the work of philosopher and scientist Dr. Rudolf Steiner, whose 1924 lectures to farmers opened a new way to integrate scientific understanding with a recognition of spirit in nature. Biodynamics has continued to develop and evolve since the 1920s through the collaboration of many farmers and researchers. Around the world, biodynamics is alive in thousands of thriving gardens, farms, vineyards, ranches, and orchards. The principles and practices of biodynamics can be applied anywhere food is grown, with thoughtful adaptation to scale, landscape, climate, and culture.

Our distance-learning courses and webinars give farmers and gardeners across North America and beyond the opportunity to learn from leading biodynamic educators, delve deep into the principles and philosophy of biodynamics, and build communities of support among peers.”

Learn about the beautiful, heart-full and life sustaining way of consciously stewarding the land


Building Bridges in the Midst of Conflict

The Optimist Daily reports:

“There is a glimmer of hope in the heart of one of the world’s longest and most complex wars, yet it often goes unrecognized. While the sad reality of violence and division dominates the media, countless grassroots organizations are working tirelessly to bring peace and reconciliation to the Israel-Palestine conflict.

These are the region’s hidden heroes, made up of people who think that even at the darkest of times, peace is still attainable. Let us cast a light on 12 such organizations and their outstanding work.

Standing Together, Israel

As the region continues to be ravaged by violence, Standing Together, Israel’s largest Arab-Jewish grassroots organization, brings together Jewish and Palestinian volunteers. They labor relentlessly to assist victims of continuous violence while also campaigning for peace, equality, social justice, and climate justice. Their message is clear: the future they envision is one of peace, Israeli and Palestinian independence, full equality, and environmental justice.

Combatants for Peace, Israel/Palestine

This joint Israeli-Palestinian nonprofit, founded by ex-combatants who have put down their weapons, seeks a peaceful resolution. They stress the significance of ending the occupation, bringing Israelis and Palestinians together, and emphasizing nonviolence.”

Read about 10 other inspirational organizations

TAKE ACTION: Tell Congress, No More Money for War!

Share your vision for peace with a Planting Peace bumper sticker! We will send you a “Planting Peace Negotiate Don’t Escalate!” bumper sticker for any donation amount $20 and above. Click here to donate.


Hemp May Help Solve Native Housing Shortages

Indian Time writes:

“This perspective is championed by Winona LaDuke, an economist, environmental activist, and entrepreneur. LaDuke, who also serves as the founder and research director of the Anishinaabe Agriculture Institute in Osage, Minn., collaborated with the White Earth Nation in mid-August to construct a hempcrete extension at her hemp and heritage farm. Remarkably, the walls were erected in just four hours, she shared with Tribal Business News. This marked the inaugural hempcrete project in Minnesota.

“This project could be an example of what the future looks like,” LaDuke told Tribal Business News. “We put up walls in a single afternoon. Each of the panels weighs like 400 to 500 pounds – a few guys could lift them. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

Hempcrete, derived from combining unused hemp plant stems or ‘herd’ with lime, is an energy-efficient building material gaining traction in parts of Indian Country.

According to LaDuke, this unique material offers the possibility of constructing swift, cost-effective housing that boasts reduced energy expenses due to its inherent energy efficiency. Additionally, hempcrete’s lightness and ease of use mean that smaller construction teams can efficiently erect new buildings.


Learn more about this innovative alternative building material


New Friends and Allies

The sorry state of our health—mental, physical, and spiritual—has been laid bare.

We literally have no choice but to build a new system of participatory democracy on the ruins of the old.

This is what our new corps of Resistance and Regeneration will look like: farmers and consumers, young and old, rural and urban, whites and non-whites, middle class, working class, immigrants, low-income communities, dropouts from the affluent class, a rainbow of dissidents and rebels from all genders, religions, and spiritual belief.

We are the Volunteers of America and planet Earth. Fighting for freedom and democracy.

Or else there is no future. We are making progress in terms of organizing our resistance and building new regenerative relationships and networks, but we are nonetheless living in a society of the walking wounded.

OCA is committed to continue our search for new friends and allies, even in the most unlikely places, as well improve our health, strengthen our resolve, and prepare for any eventuality.

Please consider supporting us with donation today, so we may continue to carry on our work and grow this movement.

Make a tax-deductible donation to Organic Consumers Association, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit

Make a tax-deductible donation to Regeneration International, our international sister organization

Order your OCA “Planting Peace” bumper stickers from our Minnesota office

Click here for more ways to support our work


Top Tips to Cope With Seasonal Affective Disorder

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola:


* Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a form of depression that occurs seasonally, typically ramping up in the fall and winter months and disappearing come spring

* An estimated 20% of Americans are affected by SAD each winter

* Common SAD symptoms include oversleeping, intense carbohydrate cravings, overeating and weight gain. Some people also have trouble concentrating and withdraw socially

* Two of the most important treatment strategies for SAD are optimizing your vitamin D level and sun exposure. Light therapy has been established as the best available treatment for SAD

* Other lifestyle strategies that can be helpful in the treatment of SAD include exercise, eating a healthy whole food diet and getting sufficient amounts of marine-based omega-3 fats, optimizing your sleep and addressing your gut health. Energy psychology and cognitive behavioral therapy can also be effective

Read about treatment strategies for SAD