Make Your State the First to Ban Monsanto’s Roundup Weedkiller!
Monsanto/Bayer has duped, assaulted, injured and killed farmers, farmworkers, rural villagers and urban consumers with its reckless use of toxic chemicals and pesticides (PCBs, DDT, Agent Orange, Dioxin, Roundup, 2,4D), and genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The insidious political clout and growing control over the world’s seeds and food by Bayer/Monsanto and a new global agribusiness cartel constitute a serious, indeed catastrophic, threat to our health as well as to the health of our soils, watersheds, oceans, wetlands, forests and climate. But there is good news!
With two recent multi million dollar awards to Roundup cancer victims from Bayer/Monsanto and another almost 40,000 Roundup-related cases in store for the chemical, biotech and seed behemoth, the timing is right to make your state the first to ban Monsanto’s Roundup Weedkiller!
Take Action now! Make Your State the First to Ban Monsanto’s Roundup Weedkiller!
Watch this presentation by the heroic French toxicologist Dr. Gilles Eric Seralini of the University of Caen, France, from the Regeneration International People’s Food Summit 2023, about his groundbreaking research surrounding the hidden ingredients found in pesticides such as Roundup and the effects of Genetically Modified Organisms.

‘My Wife Was Not a Weed’: One Family’s Roundup Cancer Story
“They knew they were selling death and outright saying they weren’t. All the judges, lawyers and dollar settlements in the world can’t make that right.”
—Paul Spreadbury
Beyond Side Affects, Drug watch
“Kathy Spreadbury was an avid gardener. The Florida woman’s love of caring for plants and watching them grow was a passion. At one time she even had over 100 plumeria,” her husband, Paul Spreadbury, said fondly. “Papers and magazines published articles about her success and talent with plants. She worked in greenhouses, nurseries and with lawn maintenance companies.”
That is where she was exposed to the weedkiller Roundup and its active ingredient, glyphosate — a chemical that the International Agency for Research on Cancer has deemed a probable human carcinogen.
But Roundup was marketed as safe. Neither Kathy nor Paul Spreadbury ever imagined that something she loved would expose her to a dangerous chemical that would lead to a cancer diagnosis. After a long battle with B-cell lymphoma, Kathy Spreadbury died on Christmas Eve, 2020.”
Read Kathy’s story: ‘My Wife Was Not a Weed’: One Family’s Roundup Cancer Story

Thank You for Sowing Seeds of Peace!
Thank you to everyone who has taken the high road to act for peace in these challenging times.
It takes mental focus to stop doom-scrolling and seek out voices for peace. It takes great courage to step out of the finger-pointing blame game. It takes strength of will to look for solutions beyond revenge and retribution. It takes enormous love to allow your heart to break open with compassion for everyone impacted by conflict, no matter which “side” they happen to be on.
Maybe you’ve been active in your local peace group. Maybe you’ve been donating to humanitarian missions that don’t see “sides,” only people in need. Maybe you’re the person among your family, friends and colleagues who helps foster constructive dialogue when those around you get caught in fights over who’s “right” and who’s “wrong.”
However you choose to sow seeds of peace, keep it up!
It might not always seem like it, but you are in the majority!
Americans and the world want peace!
We just need Congress to take action!
Tell Congress! No More Money for War!
Order your OCA “Planting Peace” bumper stickers from our Minnesota office

The Wild Wisdom of Weeds
Chelsea Green Publishing writes about the book from Katrina Blair:
“The Wild Wisdom of Weeds is the only book on foraging and edible weeds to focus on the thirteen weeds found all over the world, each of which represents a complete food source and extensive medical pharmacy and first-aid kit. More than just a field guide to wild edibles, it is a global plan for human survival.
Katrina Blair’s philosophy in The Wild Wisdom of Weeds is sobering, realistic, and ultimately optimistic. If we can open our eyes to see the wisdom found in these weeds right under our noses, instead of trying to eradicate an “invasive,” we will achieve true food security. The Wild Wisdom of Weeds is about healing ourselves both in body and in spirit, in an age where technology, commodity agriculture, and processed foods dictate the terms of our intelligence.
But if we can become familiar with these thirteen edible survival weeds found all over the world, we will never go hungry, and we will become closer to our own wild human instincts—all the while enjoying the freshest, wildest, and most nutritious food there is. For free!”
Learn more to empower yourself to maintain a state of optimal health with minimal cost and effort

The Crucial Role of Vitamin D in Physical and Mental Health
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Story at-a-glance
* Vitamin D is a potent immunomodulator, influencing both your innate and adaptive immune responses. As such, vitamin D deficiency has been linked to health conditions such as osteoporosis, autoimmune diseases, cardiovascular diseases and cancer
* Vitamin D is also crucial for the maintenance of healthy bones and nervous system function
* Sun exposure is the primary source of vitamin D, and while sunburn needs to be avoided, this risk needs to be balanced with the need for vitamin D production
* In the critically ill, vitamin D deficiency has been shown to increase infection and mortality rates, and is associated with longer hospital stays
* Chinese researchers concluded that vitamin D status can predict your risk of death from COVID-19, as well as the severity of your symptoms in the acute phase. Having a vitamin D level lower than 36.04 ng/mL was predictive for death

Working Together: Beyond Single-Issue Campaigning
We at the OCA and Regeneration International have a commitment to connect activists all over the world to move beyond language and cultural barriers, beyond national and continental borders, beyond single-issue campaigning, and to begin building a new 21st Century Internationale based on mutual solidarity and concrete cooperation in globally coordinated campaigns.
Given the catastrophic consequences of “business as usual,” and continued domination by the global “1 percent,” we can no longer afford to operate as separate movements—the anti-GMO movement, the organic movement, the Fair Trade movement, the peace movement, the economic justice movement, the climate movement, the forest movement, the ocean movement, and the anti-war movement. Nor can we operate as regional or national movements of farmers, workers, students and consumers.
We must connect the dots between interrelated issues and we must work together, from the local to the international level, with fellow leaders of the global grassroots who see the “big picture.” Harnessing the enormous power of the global grassroots, we can continue to build a diverse Regenerative Movement strong enough and inspirational enough to overturn the dictatorship of Bayer/Monsanto and the global elite.
Please help us with a donation to carry on this vital work.
Make a tax-deductible donation to Organic Consumers Association, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit
Make a tax-deductible donation to Regeneration International, our international sister organization
Order your OCA “Planting Peace” bumper stickers from our Minnesota office

The Nutritious Reason For Buying Frozen Blueberries Over Fresh
Stephanie Friedman writes in the Tasting Table:
“When it comes to produce, fresh sounds like it should always be the obvious choice. And yet, there are a few good reasons you may want to choose frozen blueberries instead.
Perhaps the biggest benefit of consuming these fruits ice-cold is that you may get a little more nutritional value from eating frozen blueberries. According to a study from South Dakota State University, we can better access the antioxidants in these fruits more easily when they’re frozen. “They are equal in quality to fresh,” said Professor Basil Dalaly from the university. In fact, the antioxidant compounds, called anthocyanins, actually become more concentrated when they go in the freezer.”
Read about how freezing the blueberries concentrates the antioxidants

The Smell of Money: The Fight To Take On ‘Unbelievable’ Pig Farm Pollution
Radheyan Simonpillai writes in The Guardian:
“Rural residents in east North Carolina are being shit on. That’s the crude but literal way to put the very grave injustice captured in The Smell of Money, Shawn Bannon’s infuriating documentary about the harm committed by factory farming against humans, animals and the environment.
The film captures the toxic hog waste produced in North Carolina’s concentrated animal feeding operations, which is then sprayed across fields near people’s homes, producing a foul and debilitating stench that has severe health impacts. Longtime residents like Elsie Herring and Rene Miller (who spoke out in a Guardian investigation on the same issue) are among the few who resiliently stand their ground and continue to fight back. They do so despite police harassment, intimidation and other insidious attempts to silence them in a state where many citizens are employed by the same industry.
‘It’s so fucked up and unbelievable,’ says Bannon, responding to how the mostly Black residents, whose ancestors lived on the same land since the days of slavery, are slowly being suffocated by pig feces, while most of the US ignores the problem.”

Stop Subsidizing the Big-Profits-From-Cheap-Food Machine
This year, as it does every five years, Congress will rewrite the law that shapes the U.S. food system, deciding how much support farmers should get for which kinds of farming systems.
There are some good Farm Bill programs for regenerative organic agriculture and local food, but they’re woefully underfunded.
Will that ever change? Not if we don’t use our people power to balance the campaign cash our corporate nemeses keep throwing at our Congresspeople.

Pesticide Exposure: Risk Factors for Depression, Pesticide Poisoning: Risk Factor for Suicidal Behavior
Beyond Pesticides reports:
“A study published in Environmental Pollution finds farming and organophosphate (OP) pesticide exposure are risk factors for depression, with pesticide poisoning being a risk factor for suicidal behavior. Additionally, psychiatric disorder prognosis affects men more than women, with depression and suicidal outcomes more common among pesticide-exposed males. Age also affected depression and suicidal consequences, with elevated rates among older farmers.
Research on pesticide-induced diseases commonly investigates pesticide exposure concerning the development of various physical illnesses. However, previous studies show that occupational (work-related) risks of developing depression are high in agriculture, where pesticide use is widespread. Acute exposure to chemicals, including organophosphate, organochlorine, triazine, and carbamate pesticides, tends to put farmers at elevated risk. More study is needed on pesticide exposure and similar psychological (psychiatric) effects in the general population.”

Animal Contraceptive and Antibiotics in Popular Fast Foods, Testing Reveals
Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D., writes for the Children’s Health Defense:
“Kids may unknowingly be consuming an animal contraceptive when they eat a chicken sandwich at Chick-fil-A, according to a Moms Across America’s (MAA) report on veterinary drugs and hormones found in food served in the most popular U.S. fast food restaurants.
The nonprofit MAA this month released results from food samples tested for veterinary drugs, including antibiotics and hormones. Health Research Institute, a Fairfield, Iowa, nonprofit independent lab, conducted the testing.
The results showed that a Chick-fil-A chicken sandwich contained nicarbazin, an antiparasitic that also functions as a bird contraceptive.
Sixty percent of samples from the U.S.’ top 10 fast food chains also contained the antibiotic monensin, which can cause severe harm in humans and remains unapproved for human use by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Zen Honeycutt, MAA’s founder and executive director, called the results “shocking” and “disturbing,” especially because some fast food chains supply school lunches.
Honeycutt and other healthy food advocates, on Oct. 17, presented the test results to U.S. lawmakers during a congressional briefing on U.S. food toxicity.”
Learn more: Animal Contraceptive and Antibiotics in Popular Fast Foods, Testing Reveals

Support Tree-Range Farms: We Are Farming with The Earth
Help Hatch Tree-Range® Farms!
“Tree-Range® Farms works with farmers trained on an advanced poultry-centered regenerative agriculture system of practices to restore the landscape, animal welfare, support family farms, and bring the best foods with the most integrity to the market. It takes approximately $7.50 to raise a chicken, this is a small investment considering the impressive chain of returns such as water quality, restoration of native species to the landscape, soil health, carbon sequestration and so much more.
Help us transform an agricultural sector, empower farmers, and build strong communities. Your donation will support the launch of Tree-Range Farms while contributing to the highest standard of animal welfare, supporting family farms, building stronger communities and healthier food availability for all.”

Other Essential Reading and Videos for the Week
Health Benefits of Pumpkin Spice
Bayer Ordered to Pay $175 Million in Latest Roundup Cancer Trial
Bayer Must Pay $1.25 Million in Roundup Cancer Trial, Jury Finds
International Glyphosate Study Shows Likely Cause of Explosion in Childhood Leukemia
A Daily Cup of Dark Tea Might Help Improve Blood Sugar and Reduce Diabetes Risk
Bill Gates Pushes Digital ID for Newborns in Kenya as Critics Warn of Surveillance Risk
Does Chicken Soup Really Help When You’re Sick?
The Life Cycle of Fungi: Video
Covid Vaccine Adverse Reaction Survival Guide
Mexico’s Blue Corn Tortillas Are as Beautiful as They Are Tasty. This Is How They’re Made.
Why Has France Banned Sales of Apple’s iPhone 12?
8 New Types of ‘Forever Chemicals’ Found in River Linked to US Cancer Cluster
19 Homemade Seasoning Blends That Beat Anything From the Store
15 Ways to Start Permaculture Living in a Rental
Two Victories: California and Apple Choose the Right To Repair