Organic Bytes
Newsletter #807: Allying With the Water Cycle to Prevent Wildfires


Allying With the Water Cycle to Prevent Wildfires

Last week, uncontrolled wildfires in Canada exposed over 100 million people to hazardous air quality levels spanning from Minnesota to New York and Washington DC.

These Mega-fires indicate widespread landscape dehydration caused by increased temperatures induced by the climate crisis and biodiversity loss.

Because natural water retention is facilitated by fauna and fungi, which help cycle water, carbon, nutrients, and energy, Fauna, such as dung beetles, earthworms, and prairie dogs, are critically essential as they carve underground pathways that help landscapes retain moisture.

Overground animals such as wild grazers and holistically managed cattle are vital for adding nutrients that, in turn, boost plant growth which adds organic matter to soils and benefits the entire soil food web.

According to the USDA, every 1% of soil organic matter represents an additional 20.000 gallons of water held in the ground per acre. Therefore, in a world that is increasingly drier and prone to greater wildfire risk, rehydrating landscapes has become a matter of emergency.

This 1 minute video by Oliver Gardiner illustrates the issue beautifully and succinctly.

To learn more about water and regeneration, discover Judith D. Schwarz’s book “Water in Plain in Sight,” (another fabulous Chelsea Green publication) which offers a fresh perspective on water with stories from around the globe, for an inspiring reminder that fixing the future of our drying planet involves understanding what makes natural systems thrive.

Find farms around the world that are working toward a regenerative future


Organic Farms Are More Cost Effective

From the Olive Oil Times:

“The study by Munich Technical University demonstrated that conventional agriculture costs up to €800 per hectare more than organic farming.

For the study, the researchers accounted for the usual farming expenses, including the costs related to the environmental impact of the two different farming approaches, such as those derived from the effects of greenhouse gas emissions.

They determined that transitioning to organic farming could significantly reduce emissions and costs. For example, if 30 percent of farmland is successfully converted to organic practices by 2030, as stipulated by the current policy in Germany, savings will exceed €4 billion, the researchers said.

The study followed the performance of 40 conventional and 40 organic farms, which scientists found more environmentally friendly.”

Read more to find out what practices these benefits are attributed to


USA: A Cry for Regeneration

Unfortunately, both Democratic and Republican politicians in the U.S. appear to have lost touch with reality and the needs of everyday working class, middle class, low-income, and rural communities. America’s political duopoly appears hell-bent on demonizing “the other party” for partisan gain meanwhile working full-time for their respective donors in the billionaire class, with their primary paymasters coming from corporate agribusiness, Big Pharma, Silicon Valley, Wall Street, the fossil fuels industry, and the military-industrial complex.

With Establishment Democrats and Republicans continuing to discredit themselves, Trumpers and Progressives alike, it’s time for a new grassroots rising. It’s time for for a game-changing grassroots-powered politics based upon Regeneration, rather than “business as usual” and “politics as usual.”

OCA and our allies believe that a global awakening and Grassroots Rising, based upon the principles and practices of regenerative food, farming, and land-use, has the awesome potential to inspire and provoke a multi-partisan, multinational, populist Movement—Democrat, Independent, and Republican; liberal, radical, conservative, and libertarian; rancher, farmer, and indigenous; urban and rural; consumer and farmer; North and South.

Let’s hear what the candidates have to say on these issues of regeneration, It’s time for the Democrats to debate!

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Fossil Free Fashion Scorecard

Stand Earth writes:

“The fashion industry is a massive global emitter, responsible for 2–8% of annual greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Yet, the sector continues to maintain close ties to the fossil fuel industry – despite growing urgency to phase out fossil fuels.

Key problems facing the sector

The fashion sector must cut carbon emissions and adopt a just energy transition. However, harmful carbon intensive practices persist which need to be addressed by major fashion brands. A few of these include the following:’s 2021 Scorecard analysed information from 47 major fashion and apparel brands against five key criteria to measure their levels of leadership on supply chain decarbonisation, and found – with a few notable exceptions – an alarming lack of progress and leadership across the sector. Climate and energy ambition in the supply chain were falling short of the action required by the industry to rapidly and justly transition off of fossil fuels.”

How does your favorite brand rate?  (You might be surprised.)


7 Reasons Why Gene Editing is Dangerous and Unpredictable

The Institute for Responsible Technology reports:

“Gene editing is cheap, easy, prone to side effects, poorly regulated and can permanently alter nature’s gene pool-a recipe for disaster.

Gene editing techniques such as CRISPR are cheap and easily accessible. The number of new GMOs released over the next 25 years could be vast. Even organic and non-GMO certified products could eventually be overrun by these stealth GMOs.

It’s a GMO free-for-all.”

“Reason #7: Epigenetic Inheritance

Gene editing can cause DNA rearrangements and large deletions, even affecting entire chromosomes. Evidence shows that gene editing can do even more damage to genomes and is even more unpredictable than standard genetic engineering.

When gene-edited GMOs are released, unpredictable changes can be passed on to future generations, posing a threat to nature’s gene pool.” 

Read more: 7 Reasons Why Gene Editing is Dangerous and Unpredictable

To learn about all the reasons, watch this video for a comprehensive, impressively presented, easy to follow video that should be widely shared! Even if you are well educated about GMOs, there is sure to be something new you will learn.

It’s time to end the reckless genetic engineering and weaponizing of pathogenic viruses and organisms!

Take Action!


Find Non-GMO Project Verified Products

The Institute for Responsible Technology writes:

“There is a wide range from self-verification to third party verification. So, when you see a claim of “non-GMO” on a package, it may mean different things on different products. There is no standard, there is no universal definition that everyone complies with. Some companies will self-certify and not even mention or allow us to determine what their criteria are.

These are just a few reasons why we are in favor of the Non-GMO Project. They have strict standards. Cheerios, for example, has non-GMO listed on their package, but they refused to tell us what their definition is. Trader Joe’s also claims that brands bearing their name are non-GMO and that they do testing, but that’s as far as they have gone. They haven’t given us the details needed to evaluate their system. So, while we applaud companies that make non-GMO claims, we strongly urge them to become Non-GMO Project Verified, which gives us the necessary confidence.”

Products listed here have been verified as compliant with the Non-GMO Project Standard.


Thank You, Fritzi Cohen!

At the end of last year, we shared the sad news that one of our favorite allies and supporters, Fritzi Cohen, had passed away and reprinted journalist Sam Husseini’s heartfelt tribute, “Fritzi Cohen, Fighter Against the Pentagon, RIP.”

This week, we learned that Fritzi remembered the Organic Consumers Association in her will with a very generous donation that will support our continued work on the causes she cared so much about.

Fritzi loved Ronnie Cummins and the OCA team, especially our Planting Peace and Stop Weaponizing Pathogens campaigns, saying “they’re not afraid to say what they believe and they blend the serious environmental concerns and peace.” One of the causes Fritzi was most passionate about at the end of her life was Pentagon pollution.

Fritzi was enemy number one of Monsanto (now Bayer)’s “invasive species” scam that has required pesticides like the glyphosate-based herbicide Roundup to be sprayed in waterways, forests, along roadways, as well as in wildlife and recreational areas.

She waged a decade-long legal battle to try to keep pesticides out of the Willapa Bay, home to her Moby Dick hotel and oyster farm, after the Moby Dick’s oyster farmer Keith Stavrum was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, likely due to Pacific County Department of Vegetation Management’s spraying of Roundup on the property.

Read Fritzi Cohen’s obituary to learn more about this amazing woman.


Sauerkraut To Kimchi: 10 Fermented Foods From Across The World

By Slurrp Desk:

“Fermented foods have captivated the taste buds of cultures around the globe, from the tangy sauerkraut of Germany to the zesty kimchi of Korea. These foods undergo a fascinating transformation, courtesy of microorganisms like bacteria, yeasts, and fungi. Through this natural process, sugars are converted into alcohol, acids, and gases, unlocking a plethora of flavours, textures, and nutritional benefits.

Fermented foods offer a range of health benefits, including an abundant supply of probiotics that support gut health, digestion, the immune system, and mental health. Consumption of fermented foods is linked to a reduced risk of chronic diseases by creating an optimal environment in the digestive system. This process enhances the bioavailability of nutrients, allowing efficient absorption of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.”

Exploring a diverse range of fermented foods introduces beneficial bacteria strains for a holistic approach to well-being.”

This article highlights ten delicious and culturally significant fermented dishes