Cathleen Enright

One Last Push


We have almost 29,000 signatures on our letter to Cathleen Enright, executive vice president Food & Agriculture, for the Biotech Industry Organization (BIO). Can you help us reach 50,000 by the end of this week?
Enright is responsible for keeping the OCA off of a panel at this coming weekend’s “Southbites: Feed Your Mind” session during Austin’s South-by-Southwest (SXSW) Interactive. 
In a phone call with OCA, Enright said she didn’t want a representative of OCA on the panel because she didn't want the conversation to turn into a debate about the health and safety of GMO crops and foods. According to Enright, that debate has been settled.
Um, we don’t think so. And neither do millions of others, including consumers, scientists, scholars and physicians.
That’s why we’ve written this letter to Enright, and are asking consumers to sign it. When we get to at least 50,000 signatures, we’ll ship the letter and signatures off to Enright—so she’ll know that not everyone thinks the GMO debate is over.
Background here 
Read our letter to Cathleen Enright 
TAKE ACTION: Tell Cathleen Enright: The debate over GMOs is not over.