
OCA: We Need Your Support More Than Ever


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Most of OCA’s budget for our U.S. and international work comes from our readers, the 500,000+ people like you who receive Organic Bytes every week. This week as we carry out our mid-year fundraising drive, we need your help more than ever.

We are ready to step up our efforts to publicize and spread the best practices of regenerative and organic food, farming, and land use, both in the U.S. and South of the Border from our Via Organica research farm and training center in Guanajuato, Mexico and our office in Mexico City. 

We are ready to bring the mad scientists and gene engineers to heel, and put an end to the industrial agriculture and junk food that has spawned a literal epidemic of chronic disease and premature death.

We are stepping up our lobbying pressure on elected public officials to stop funding GMOs, factory farms, and lab food rather than organic and local production by small farmers and ranchers. We are working with the organic and natural health communities to preserve and strengthen organic standards and organic integrity. We are filing lawsuits, educating the public, and carrying out online and on-the-ground grassroots activities.

We are starting a major push to gain signatures on our petition to ban the reckless genetic engineering of viruses, bacteria, and microorganisms, part of our larger campaign to bring out-of-control genetic engineering, gene-editing, and gene-drives under control. We are organizing an International Tribunal on the Origins of COVID-19 and an International Global Food Summit on World Food Day, October 16. And more…

But to do all this work, we need your help.

Please get your friends and everyone you know to become subscribers of Organic Bytes, since we are still being censored or gaslighted by Facebook, Google, and social media.  

Please ask everyone on your email list and your social media contacts to subscribe to Organic Bytes here

And we need your financial support as well, more than ever.

Please make a generous donation at this time, if you are able. Thank you for your support.

Make a tax-deductible donation to Organic Consumers Association, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit

Support Citizens Regeneration Lobby, OCA’s 501(c)(4) lobbying arm (not tax-deductible)

Click here for more ways to support our work