Music to our Ears


"Unfolding with gentle joy and an unexpected beauty, this ode to the miracle of the Earth’€™s topmost layer gives us a newfound respect for the ground beneath our feet."  – New York Times, Critics Pick

‘€œSymphony of the Soil,’€ the latest documentary from the director of ‘€œThe Future of Food,’€ is now available on DVD’€”and for every copy purchased  here, the filmmaker will contribute $5 to the OCA.

‘€œSymphony of the Soil’€ explores the complexity and mystery of soil. Filmed on four continents, the film portrays soil as a protagonist of our planetary story. In a skillful mix of art and science, the film reveals soil for what it really is. A living organism. The foundation of life on earth.

Its creators hope it will inspire people to stop treating soil like, well, dirt

Purchase ‘€˜Symphony of the Soil’€™

Watch the trailer