Since its release onto the market in 1994, Monsanto’s recombinant Bovine
Growth Hormone (rBGH) has been banned in most industrialized nations,
other than the U.S., Brazil, and Mexico. While the genetically
engineered hormone is regularly being injected into 22% of the dairy
herd in the U.S. to force cows to give more milk, scientists warn that
it may increase your risks of getting cancer. Knowing consumers want to
avoid rBGH, Monsanto has successfully sued a number of dairies over the
years for labeling their products "rBGH-Free." After a decade
forcing rBGH-tainted milk and dairy products on consumers, Monsanto has
recently admitted to having mysterious production problems in the
Austrian factory supplying them with rBGH. Last week, the company
announced it is being forced to cut back production of rBGH (trade name
Posilac) by 50%, due, in part, to failing FDA inspections at its
manufacturing plant. Rumors are circulating in the dairy industry that
rBGH, the first genetically engineered animal drug put into the U.S.
food supply, may be pulled off the market.