On a Mission

On a Mission


Update on the battle against Monsanto in Mexico! http://orgcns.org/1qJB8hI&hashtags=Monsanto,Mexico | Update on the battle against Monsanto in Mexico! http://orgcns.org/1qJB8hI&hashtags=Monsanto,Mexico | Read the Full Article

While we fight Monsanto north of the border, our friends in Mexico are fighting the good fight, too.

OCA Mexico and Millones Contra Monsanto have joined Mayan authorities, activists, scientists, community organizers and human rights experts in the Civil Observation Mission. The project came about because, despite a court order requiring Monsanto to consult with indigenous communities before granting permits for GMO soy crops, the Biotech Bully, with a little help from the Mexican government, is violating the law.

Why does it matter? 

For starters, contamination from GMO soy crops is destroying organic honey production in the Campeche and the Yucatán regions. Not to mention how it’s ruining the region’s rich agricultural traditions and biodiversity. Or the health of everyone who lives there.

Read our update on the battle against Monsanto in Mexico

Support efforts to keep Monsanto’s GMO corn out of Mexico