March: OCA Study: Cancer-Causing Ingredient Found in Leading “Organic” and “Natural” Personal Care Products

March: OCA’s ‘Coming Clean’ Campaign
OCA Study: Cancer-Causing Ingredient Found in Falsely Labeled “Organic” and “Natural” Personal Care Products

Coming CleanA March 2008 study commissioned by the Organic Consumers Association revealed the presence of the undisclosed carcinogenic contaminant 1,4-Dioxane in leading shampoos, body washes, lotions and other personal care and household cleaning products claiming to be “natural” or “organic”. Although this toxic ingredient had previously been found in conventional synthetic personal care products, OCA’s was the first laboratory study to find the synthetic toxin hidden in products consumers expect to be safe and natural. Laboratory tests showed that products certified under the USDA National Organic Program DID NOT contain this toxin, but most of the best selling personal care products falsely claiming to be “organic” (but not USDA certified) did contain the cancer-causing ingredient.
Reacting in part to the OCA study, the Attorney General of California filed a major lawsuit against these same body care and household-cleaning product companies. As a direct result of OCA’s expose, a number of well known personal care and household cleaning product companies have begun to reformulate and detoxify their products, while other leading companies, such as Dr. Bronner’s and Intelligent Nutrients, have gone all the way by releasing a full line of USDA certified organic body care and cosmetic products.
Coming Clean
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