Kevin Folta speaking at an event

Folta’s Falsehoods


Get the real scoop on @MonsantoCo cheerleader Kevin Folta. @USRightToKnow&hashtags=Monsanto | Get the real scoop on @MonsantoCo cheerleader Kevin Folta. @USRightToKnow&hashtags=Monsanto | Read the Full Article

Monsanto cheerleader Kevin Folta is no stranger to OCA. Folta dogged us relentlessly in 2012, 2013 and 2014, when we were part of a coalition working to pass laws that would require labels on GMO foods.
Most recently, Folta attacked us for revealing that Ben & Jerry’s ice cream is contaminated with glyphosate—news that was reported by the New York Times.
Now Folta, chairman of the Horticulture Sciences Department at University of Florida, is suing the Times and Pulitzer Prize winner Eric Lipton, for allegedly misrepresenting him as a “covertly paid operative of one of the largest and most controversial companies in America, Monsanto.”
Folta claims the Times, and Lipton, misrepresented him in order to “to further their own anti GMO’ agenda.” That’s quite an accusation, coming from someone who’s made a career out of, well, lying.
In a new well-documented and detailed fact sheet, US Right to Know, an independent nonprofit partially funded by OCA, spells out just how deceitful Folta, who has referred to the food movement as a “terrorist faction,” has been about his relationship with Monsanto.