bag of Tyson brand chicken wings

Let Big Meat Fail


COVID-19 didn’t break the food system. The four Big Meat titans—@TysonFoods, @SmithfieldFoods, JBS and @Cargill—broke the supply chain. | COVID-19 didn’t break the food system. The four Big Meat titans—@TysonFoods, @SmithfieldFoods, JBS and @Cargill—broke the supply chain. | Read the Full Article

As COVID-19 swept through U.S. slaughterhouses, plants closed, leaving farmers with millions of animals they couldn’t get to market. This prompted Tyson to take out an ad in the New York Times, warning that the “food supply chain is breaking.” 

But COVID-19 didn’t break the food system. The four Big Meat titans—Tyson, Smithfield, JBS and Cargill—broke the supply chain. They did it by forcing consolidation in the meatpacking industry, which ultimately created another “too big to fail” industry.

Congress has a plan to save Big Meat, by taking an old law intended to help family farmers, and turning it into a taxpayer-funded rescue plan for big corporations.

Companies like Tyson and Cargill don’t need our help. They can use bankruptcy protection laws to “reorganize” their debt and restructure their operations.

Who does need our help? The independent family farmers and ranchers who raise grass-fed and pasture-raised meat, while also being good neighbors and good stewards of the land.

TAKE ACTION: Tell Congress: No Bailouts for Big Meat!