How to Survive a Blackout in a Heat Wave

No matter where you live, you should be prepared to live without power during extreme heat.

July 11, 2023 | Source: Heatmap News | by Jeva Lange

What keeps emergency management officials up at night? Terrorist attacks. The Big One. A direct hit from a Category 5 hurricane.

But when it comes to climate-related disasters, one fear often rises above the rest: a blackout during a heat wave.

According to new research published this spring, a two-day citywide blackout in Phoenix during a heat wave could lead to half the population — some 789,600 people — requiring emergency medical attention in a metropolitan area with just 3,000 available beds. As many as 12,800 people could die, the equivalent of more than nine Hurricane Katrinas.

Power outages can happen during a heat wave for a number of reasons. The most obvious is because of strain on the power grid, as everyone cranks up their air conditioning at the same time. By one estimate, “two-thirds of North America is at risk of energy shortfalls this summer during periods of extreme demand.”