High Stakes for Our Country’: 49 Senators Call on Biden to Reject WHO Agreements

In a letter to President Joe Biden, the senators argued that before considering the amendments, the administration should focus on developing a comprehensive set of reforms for the WHO, given how it failed totally and predictably during the COVID-19 pandemic.

May 3, 2024 | Source: Children’s Health Defense | by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D.

Forty-nine Republican senators on Wednesday signed a letter to President Joe Biden, calling on him to withdraw his administration’s support for two international agreements being considered at this month’s World Health Assembly meeting.

World Health Organization (WHO) member states will convene in Geneva beginning May 27 to vote on two proposals — the so-called “Pandemic Agreement” or “pandemic treaty,” and Amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR).

The Biden administration supports the two WHO proposals, which would grant global health officials wide authority over pandemic management.

The senators, who make up the entire Senate Republican Conference, said before considering the amendments the administration should focus on developing a comprehensive set of reforms for the WHO, given how it failed totally and predictably during the COVID-19 pandemic “and did lasting harm to our country.”