Cat with crazy green eyes licking its paw



It's going to be a busy summer--but with your help, we'll fight back! Donate today!&hashtags=resist,regenerate | It's going to be a busy summer--but with your help, we'll fight back! Donate today!&hashtags=resist,regenerate | TITLE ERROR

As summer rolls out, it’s shaping up to be more crazy than hazy.

And here in the OCA offices, lazy isn’t an option.

We’ve got a new EPA director who has made it his life’s ambition to dismantle the EPA—in other words, get rid of the regulations that are supposed to protect us from deadly chemicals in our food, water and air. 

We’ve got regulatory agencies ready to sign off on mega-mergers, like the one between Monsanto and Bayer, that will give Big Biotech even more power than ever over the global food (commodities, really) supply.

We’ve got a former Exxon chief running the U.S. State Department, and a president who things global warming is a hoax. And the CEO of Dow Chemical heading up some new government entity called the “American Manufacturing Council,” which puts him in a position to overturn science-based decisions calling for bans on chemicals like chlorpyrifos, known to cause brain damage in children.

And don’t even get us started on the unfolding scandal around the potential collusion between Monsanto and former EPA officials to keep the truth about Roundup herbicide’s deadly impact on human health hidden from the public.

It’s gonna be a busy summer. But with your help, we’ll fight back. 

Donate to the Organic Consumers Association (tax-deductible, helps support our work on behalf of organic standards, fair trade and public education)

Donate to Organic Consumers Fund (non-tax-deductible, but necessary for our GMO labeling legislative efforts)

Support OCA’s Regeneration International Project (tax-deductible, helps support our work on behalf of organic, regenerative agriculture and climate change)