Elderberry Uses in the Kitchen and Beyond

Learn how to use your elderberry harvest to the fullest and make elderberry jelly, wine, concentrate, and more. Elderberry uses can even be extended to the winter season.

Source: Mother Earth News | by Marion Lillie

Upon moving from the Midwest to the Idaho mountains, I was faced with the task of learning to recognize scads of new woodland plants. Somehow– no matter where I might look — one particular shrub kept catching my eye. At first I simply noticed the plentiful plant’s showy compound leaves, each with 5 to 11 leaflets. But then in June (after everything else had bloomed) this tall bush suddenly became a striking hillside ornamental packed with clusters of delicate white flowers. Still later — right at the ragged end of summer — the blossoms were transformed into bunches of tiny purple berries. Some of those tasty-looking, double-handful-sized fruit clumps became so heavy their stems drooped down with the weight!

When I quizzed my nearest neighbor about this abundant yet mysterious shrub, she said, “Why, they’re plain ol’ good-eatin’ elderberries, child.”