Easy Homemade Deodorant That Really WORKS!

July 18, 2021 | Source: Mommypotamus | by Heather Dessinger

Way before I posted my “No I didn’t stuff my face with Cheetos tooth whitening recipe and started making my own shampoo bars, I was warning my college boyfriend (now husband) about the toxins he was putting on his body. To show me that my concerns were being taken seriously, he decided to take steps to ease his toxic burden.

By giving up deodorant. In the summer. IN TEXAS.

Not the “sacrifice” I would have chosen, but it was pretty clever on his part. Rather than give up something that would bother him, he ditched the product whose absence would bother me. A lot. 

So I went to the health food store and picked up some options, but nothing worked. That’s when I discovered a cheap, non-toxic solution that’s incredibly easy to make. Don’t let the simplicity of this recipe fool you, though – it’s been field-tested in the 100+ degree heat of Texas summers and proven its worth.

Now, maybe you’re wondering why was I worrying about this in the first place. It’s not like he was eating his old deodorant and other personal care products. Although that’s true, hormone and nicotine patches work because our skin absorbs a lot of what we put on it. And the stuff in most conventional deodorants and antiperspirants . . well, they have some of it has serious safety issues.