Silhouettes of businessmen in a foggy swamp

Dump Trump’s #MonsantoMan


Dump Trump's Monsanto Man! Tell Senators to Vote No on Sonny Perdue!&hashtags=SwampCabinet,MonsantoMan,NoPerdue | Dump Trump's Monsanto Man! Tell Senators to Vote No on Sonny Perdue!&hashtags=SwampCabinet,MonsantoMan,NoPerdue | Read the Full Article

Former Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue is a Monsanto-funded politician who made millions selling fertilizer and gaming the farm subsidy system. He’s also a climate denier who couldn’t think of anything to help Georgia’s drought-stricken farmers other than to pray for rain

But don’t take our word for it. Here’s what one Georgia resident wrote to us in an email, in response to the article we published last week about Perdue: 

“‘Sonny’ is the first ‘good ole boy’ politician that I came to despise for both non-actions and actions that were detrimental to average Jane and Joe Citizen. He lost all credibility and respect with me in his term as (my) governor with regards to a statewide issue where children’s lives were at stake.  Do not let the smiley folksy face and rhetoric fool. [Perdue] would not have the best interests of ‘the people’ in mind, period.”

We’re not naive. If pro-torture (and anti-GMO-labeling) Mike Pompeo can be named head of the CIA, and Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson can seriously be considered for secretary of state, we aren’t optimistic about torpedoing Trump’s nominations for secretary of agriculture.

But we must let our Senators know that we oppose these nominations. And then pay careful attention to how they vote.

TAKE ACTION: Tell Your Senators: Vote NO on Sonny Perdue! #NoPerdue! Block Trump's #SwampCabinet!