Don't Do It!

Don’t Do It!


Now that the House has passed H.R. 1599, the so-called “Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act,” we’re waiting to see who introduces a Senate version of the bill, and what that bill will look like.

But before anything can happen in the Senate, Monsanto and Big Food need to find a Democrat and a Republican willing to introduce the Senate version of H.R. 1599, or as we prefer to call it, the DARK (Deny Americans the Right to Know) Act.

On the Republican side, word on the street is that Sen. John Hoeven (R-N.D.) may step up to the plate as soon as Congress returns from its August recess—that is, unless an anti-H.R. 1599 editorial in his home state newspaper, the Bismarck Tribune, causes him to think twice.

Whether it’s Hoeven who does the deed, or another Republican, Monsanto and Big Food will still need a Senate Democrat to also cosponsor the bill. Anything less than a bipartisan effort will fail.

So who are the likely suspects on the Dem side of the aisle? We’ve identified 12 Democratic Senators who we think might be willing to carry the water for Monsanto. We  need your help to convince them that going against the will of nine out of 10 voters could spell political suicide.

TAKE ACTION: Please sign the petition asking these 12 Senate Democrats to promise they won’t cosponsor a Senate version of the DARK Act! 

Email us if you want to attend or organize a meeting with your Senators 

Keep track of scheduled meetings 

Download your DARK Act flyer 

Download these DARK Act talking points  

Call 202-224-3121. Ask to speak to your Senator’s staff, and let them know you want them to oppose H.R. 1599.  Don’t forget to post on your Senator’s Facebook page!

TAKE ACTION: Tell Your Senator: Support Consumer and States’ Rights. Reject Rep. Pompeo’s DARK Act—H.R. 1599—and any other federal legislation that would preempt states’ rights to label GMOs!