donating items to victims of earthquake in Mexico

Gracias a Todos


Gracias a Todos. Thanks for helping us deliver supplies to survivors of the Mexico earthquakes. @OrganicConsumer | Gracias a Todos. Thanks for helping us deliver supplies to survivors of the Mexico earthquakes. @OrganicConsumer | Read the Full Article

As we reported last week, the families and neighbors of some of our Mexico City-based staff were directly affected by the most recent, and devastating, earthquake in Mexico’s largest city.

And as promised, we’ve dedicated 15 percent of your donations (to our third-quarter fundraising campaign) to helping as many survivors of Mexico’s two back-to-back earthquakes as possible—including rural farmers.

Thanks to your generosity, our Mexico City staff (some of whom are pictured here) we were able to purchase and deliver much-needed tools, food, clothes, tents and sleeping bags to people in the city, and in rural communities. Many of these people lost everything, including their homes.

Over the past week or so, our hard-working Mexico team members have witnessed some horrific scenes. But they’ve remained strong—and above all determined to get supplies you bought to those who most need them.

Thank you to all who helped make our fundraising campaign a success—and even more important, helped us help others.

Donate to the Organic Consumers Association (Tax-deductible, helps support our work on behalf of organic standards, fair trade and public education).

Donate to Organic Consumers Fund (Non-tax-deductible, but necessary for our GMO labeling legislative efforts).