hand holding a pile of soil with a small green seedling growing

Dirt Matters


Learn more about regenerative ag and sign up for @KisstheGroundCA's 7-week soil workshop. Use the code REGEN2020 to get 20 percent off! | Learn more about regenerative ag and sign up for @KisstheGroundCA's 7-week soil workshop. Use the code REGEN2020 to get 20 percent off! | Read the Full Article

A growing body of evidence linking healthy soil, healthy humans and a healthy ecosystem can only lead to one conclusion: Dirt matters. According to a recent article in Force of Nature:

The complexity of the soil microbiome, and the way it affects the health of all other creatures in the ecosystem and the food chain, is simply stunning.

The authors of the article argue that though “the health of most of the planet’s soil is currently in dire straits,” there’s an obvious solution:

Only by changing our agricultural system, by reverting to a system in which all organisms in an ecosystem—a diversity of plants, animals, insects, and microorganisms—are recognized as crucial to the survival of the ecosystem, can we ensure that our soil, crops, animals, and even our digestive health, will thrive.

We’ve partnered with Kiss the Ground to offer a 7-week training program to empower activists, students, farmers, business owners and concerned citizens to spread awareness about the potential of regenerative agriculture to rebuild soil, replenish water cycles, reverse global warming and improve human health worldwide.

The first training program starts Wednesday, January 22. Are you in?

SIGN UP here and get a 20-percent discount with the code: REGEN2020