Climate Change Activists Call For Adoption of Agroecology To Save the Planet

April 21, 2023 | Source: Monitor | by Franklin Draku

Slow Food, a global, grassroots organisation, founded to prevent the disappearance of local food cultures and traditions has called on the world to adopt agroecology concept to celebrate the Earth Day 2023.

The Earth Day 2023 will be celebrated tomorrow April 22, 2023 under the theme “Invest in our planet.”

Mr Edie Mukiibi, the president of Slow Food said agriculture, nutrition and health should be understood in relation to each other, and the roles they can all play in the fight against climate change.

“What we grow, how we grow it, and how we eat have an enormous impact on public health and the health of the planet. In an era plagued by malnutrition it is essential to remember the complex relationships between soil, oceans, plants, animals and humankind. Agroecology considers all these elements together,” he said.

Mukiibi said as the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) continues to warn the world on dangers of destroying the planet, now is the time to act.