Celebrate the Earth

Celebrate the Earth


%23EarthDay 2016: Want to do something? Order your packet today! http://orgcns.org/1XkciiN | %23EarthDay 2016: Want to do something? Order your packet today! http://orgcns.org/1XkciiN | Read the Full Article

“You may never know what results come of your actions, but if you do nothing, there will be no results.” – Mahatma Gandhi

On April 22, the world will “celebrate” Earth Day again. Do you have plans for the day? Can we help?
Whether you’re headed to a local Earth Day celebration, community event or demonstration, or dropping by your farmers’ market or local co-op, you can use the occasion to help spread the word about the plight of the honeybee, Monsanto’s GMOs, organic alternatives, or how to fight for truth and transparency in food labeling.

To make it easier for you, OCA has some Earth Day packets with posters, leaflets, petitions, and stickers. 
Prefer to download, rather than order? Here are some of our most popular leaflets:

Order your Earth Day packet