CBD oil.

CBD Under Siege

Years after the feds legalized hemp, the ax is still dangling over CBD supplements despite ongoing, exciting research into all of CBD’s health benefits.

February 23, 2024 | Source: Alliance for Natural Health

We are only beginning to understand the array of benefits CBD and other cannabinoids can have on human health, but the FDA is trying to make sure that the only way we can get CBD is to be prescribed it as an FDA-approved drug—a drug listed at $32,500 a year. We cannot allow Big Pharma, in concert with the FDA, to threaten our access to this natural compound.

In hundreds of studies over the last few years, CBD—short for cannabidiol, one of the hundreds of cannabinoids found in the hemp and as well as a number of other plants—has shown promise in helping with pain, neurological disorders, insomnia, seizures, anxiety, stress, antibiotic-resistant infections, and inflammation, to name just a few. This diverse array of health benefits is due to the fact that CBD interacts with the human endocannabinoid system (ECS), an entire network of receptors throughout the body that was only discovered recently and is responsible for regulating mood, pain, and immune responses.