Incredible Hulk action figure standing in a field

So Not Fair


So Not Fair. Tell Congress No Lame Duck Vote on TPP. @fairworldprj&hashtags=StopTheTPP | So Not Fair. Tell Congress No Lame Duck Vote on TPP. @fairworldprj&hashtags=StopTheTPP | Read the Full Article

Talk about false advertising. 

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), that pro-multinational corporation international trade deal that President Obama has been pushing, is being sold to the public as “pro-agriculture.”

What the hype doesn’t tell you is that the TPP will only benefit the degenerative, industrial agriculture sector—the sector that is producing GMO crops, and operating filthy factory farms that wreck your health, poison your water and air, wipe out biodiversity, damage soil fertility and contribute to global warming.

From the Fair World Project (a project of OCA) blog:

The United States is highly reliant on industrial agriculture, which means those 12 countries going into the [TPP] agreement will be pitting their small-scale farmers against our large-scale farming practices. This will force small-scale farmers out of business and off their lands strengthening the industrial agricultural machine. The industrial food system drives climate change; we cannot break our reliance on industrial food without first breaking our reliance on unjust free trade agreements. So it is not the organic, regenerative, biodiverse farmer who provides your CSA or morning coffee who will benefit.

Despite the public outcry about this potentially devastating trade deal, it’s by no means dead yet. 

TAKE ACTION: Tell Congress No Lame Duck Vote on TPP

Read the FWP blog post