So. Many. Lies.

So. Many. Lies.


Many of you have been calling and writing your Senators, asking them to oppose H.R. 1599, or what we call the DARK—Deny Americans the Right to Know—Act.

Some of you have reported back to us. From what you’ve told us, we know that the DARK forces who oppose your right to know are doing a brilliant job of misrepresenting the DARK Act.

Here’s what Sen. Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska) said in an email response to one of his constituents:

H.R. 1599 was introduced in the House of Representatives by Congressman Mike Pompeo (R-KS) on March 25, 2015. H.R. 1599 would authorize the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to establish a nationwide labeling standard for foods made with genetically modified (GMO) ingredients. Currently, the FDA does not require labeling for GMO foods. This legislation comes in response to efforts from state legislatures and through ballot initiatives that have pursued requiring labeling for GMO foods.

Anyone with any knowledge whatsoever about the DARK Act knows that this is a blatant misrepresentation of H.R. 1599.

H.R. 1599 would strip the FDA of the power to require mandatory labeling of GMOs. It would preempt state GMO labeling laws, and it would guarantee that there will never be premarket safety testing of GMO foods. Ever.

The only “nationwide labeling standard” that would be established under H.R. 1599 would be a voluntary standard for non-GMO foods—and it would be run by the USDA, not the FDA.

Does Sen. Sullivan really not understand the intent—and the details—of the DARK Act? Or is he just complicit in Monsanto’s plan to keep GMOs untested and unlabeled, forever?

What about your Senator? If you’ve never picked up the phone and called your Senator, now would be a good time. Please sign the alert below, then follow up with a phone call. (You’ll find your Senator’s phone number after you fill in your zipcode).

TAKE ACTION: Tell Your Senators: Defend States’ Rights to Label GMOs!