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Let's 'Re-Imagine' a healthy future for our planet. @OrganicConsumer | Let's 'Re-Imagine' a healthy future for our planet. @OrganicConsumer | Read the Full Article

If John Lennon were alive today to write a sequel to his famous song, “Imagine,” he might call it “Re-Imagine.”

Because that’s what we need right now. A lot of re-imagination. 

As we pour our hearts and souls, our money and energy, into trying to force big corporations to tell the truth about what they’re feeding us, we also have to step back and get some perspective.

The bigger battle isn’t about Monsanto. It isn’t about labels on GMO foods. It isn’t about the bees.

Don’t get us wrong. All of those battles are important, and we’re committed to seeing them through.

But we’re equally committed to the bigger picture. To looking at all of the crises we face—crises of hunger and poverty, global warming and loss of biodiversity, declining health and polluted water, animal abuse, worker abuse and corporate abuse of power, war, refugees, broken democracies—and seeing them as one giant crisis, requiring a holistic approach to problem solving.

Fortunately, there is no limit to imagination. If we can just re-imagine a world where humans acknowledge that we’re just one part of an ecosystem, and that our survival depends on the health of that ecosystem, we can fix things. Before it’s too late.

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Support OCA’s Regeneration International Project (tax-deductible, helps support our work on organic regenerative agriculture and climate change)