Twitter Storm to Label GMOs

Lights Out?


Last chance! Call Obama 202-456-1111! Twitterstorm 12 pm ET! @POTUS | Last chance! Call Obama 202-456-1111! Twitterstorm 12 pm ET! @POTUS | Read the Full Article

Unless President Obama vetoes the DARK Act by the end of the work day tomorrow (Friday, July 29), this President’s consumer rights legacy will be that he denied the vast majority of consumers in this country the right to know if their food contains GMOs—by allowing a discriminatory, deeply flawed, and quite possibly unconstitutional law go into effect.

Obama still has time to do the right thing. But time is fast running out. 

Thanks to consumers and activist groups around the country, over 106,000 people signed a White House petition asking Obama to veto the DARK Act, and over 120,000 signed our MoveOn petition asking the same.

So far, those petitions, and similar ones submitted by other groups, have been met with radio silence.

We have less than 48 hours to convince Obama that this bill serves no one except greedy, deceptive corporations, their lobbyists and their minions in Congress.

Otherwise, it will be lights out for GMO labeling in this country. And hell to pay for those corporations that hide GMOs behind “SmartLabels”—or as we prefer to call them, the “Mark of Monsanto.”

TAKE ACTION: Sign the White House petition asking President Obama to veto the DARK Act! 

Call the White House 202-456-1111 or 202-456-1414 to leave your comment! The comment line is open from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. ET Monday through Friday.

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