cow in a field on a sunny day

Asking for a Friend


.@Patagonia is matching donations made to @regeneration_in by Dec. 31. Can you pitch in to help scale up regenerative ag worldwide? | .@Patagonia is matching donations made to @regeneration_in by Dec. 31. Can you pitch in to help scale up regenerative ag worldwide? | Read the Full Article

This is where we usually ask you to support our work.

This week, we’re asking for a friend.

From now until the end of December, all donations to Regeneration International, made through this link, will be matched by Patagonia.

Wow. That’s a generous offer. We want to help Regeneration International make the most of it.

OCA is not only a founding partner and financial supporter of Regeneration International, we’re also partners on many projects, national and international.

It’s important work that we do together. Supported not only by OCA, but by Patagonia, a company committed to protecting the environment. Please help us help a friend this week. Thank you!

TAKE ACTION: Make a tax-deductible donation to Regeneration International by December 31, using this link, and Patagonia will match your donation!