Help share workers stories with your local community, union hall, university, or place of worship!
Show Wal-Mart that their blatant disregard for basic human rights and labor rights in their farms and food processing facilities will not be tolerated any longer! Support the International Labor Rights Fund and Georgia Poultry Justice Alliance sponsored spring Worker Speaking Tour and hear the experiences of farm and food processing workers from Georgia and North Carolina who have been abused by Wal-Mart.
Plan an event in your community — email trina.tocco[at]ilrf[dot]org for more information.
Look for dates in your area:
April 16-17: Georgia
April 18: Tennessee
April 19-20: North Carolina
This speaking tour will feature 2 speakers: poultry processing worker from Georgia and Smithfield pork processing worker from North Carolina. All of the speakers have experienced first hand the unacceptable conditions on farms and in processing facilities because of the purchasing practices of big box retailers such as Wal-Mart.